What does “side with Palestine” mean? I side with the innocent people unjustly targeted in both Israel and Palestine, Israel has tolerated completely unjust treatment of Palestinians as well as done it as a state. But, groups like HAMAS also fire missiles at innocent civilians. Not to mention the many nations that have tried to unprovoked invade Israel. I’m not saying the Israeli government is innocent, it’s not, but it’s more complicated than just “siding with Palestine” being the right answer.
the many nations that have tried to unprovoked invade Israel
If we go far back in the history of the land… that list goes all the way to the paleolithic, and includes Israel itself. Some call it the “promised land”, “holy land”, and stuff like that, but in practice it looks more like the “cursed land”.
If we go less far back, you’ll find the point where the Roman’s conquered the lands, kicked out all the Jews and renamed it to Palestina to spite them.
If we go back, Israelites were going around offering cities to either join them or be exterminated… if we go forward, Crusaders gave no option to anyone… and so on.
It’s a really bad patch of land, now with too many large religions trying to claim it, some even hoping for the Apocalypse to start there ASAP. Then you add the water shortages, and global warming is only going to make those worse.
Right now only one side has the power and is enforcing crimes against humanity against the other.
“American cops targeting black people is wrong, but a black person killed one cop once and that justifies the whole systematic suffering given to them” That’s basically what you sound like, a fucking moron.
The state of tribalism where when someone points out something isn’t simplistic clear “good vs evil” all the time they are suddenly “Enlightened centrism”
The defence of the indefensible when someone tries to say both sides are to blame when only one side is engaged in state sanctioned crimes and the other lives in a ghetto surrounded by the others soldiers who routinely drive into the ghetto and kill them.
A state actor can be wrong and a terrorist group can be wrong??? There are more than 2 sides in life. Stop with the tankie logic where they support ISIS because it opposes the US.
I’ve been to Jewish gatherings where they had duplicates of some food products because half of them insisted on eating an Israeli brand and half of them refused to.
And not all Jewish people support Israel! I have to assume many understand what’s going on and side with Palestine.
What does “side with Palestine” mean? I side with the innocent people unjustly targeted in both Israel and Palestine, Israel has tolerated completely unjust treatment of Palestinians as well as done it as a state. But, groups like HAMAS also fire missiles at innocent civilians. Not to mention the many nations that have tried to unprovoked invade Israel. I’m not saying the Israeli government is innocent, it’s not, but it’s more complicated than just “siding with Palestine” being the right answer.
If we go far back in the history of the land… that list goes all the way to the paleolithic, and includes Israel itself. Some call it the “promised land”, “holy land”, and stuff like that, but in practice it looks more like the “cursed land”.
If we go less far back, you’ll find the point where the Roman’s conquered the lands, kicked out all the Jews and renamed it to Palestina to spite them.
“Syria Palaestina”, for extra spite.
If we go back, Israelites were going around offering cities to either join them or be exterminated… if we go forward, Crusaders gave no option to anyone… and so on.
It’s a really bad patch of land, now with too many large religions trying to claim it, some even hoping for the Apocalypse to start there ASAP. Then you add the water shortages, and global warming is only going to make those worse.
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Oh fuck off with this centrist nonsense.
Right now only one side has the power and is enforcing crimes against humanity against the other.
“American cops targeting black people is wrong, but a black person killed one cop once and that justifies the whole systematic suffering given to them” That’s basically what you sound like, a fucking moron.
The state of tribalism where when someone points out something isn’t simplistic clear “good vs evil” all the time they are suddenly “Enlightened centrism”
The defence of the indefensible when someone tries to say both sides are to blame when only one side is engaged in state sanctioned crimes and the other lives in a ghetto surrounded by the others soldiers who routinely drive into the ghetto and kill them.
A state actor can be wrong and a terrorist group can be wrong??? There are more than 2 sides in life. Stop with the tankie logic where they support ISIS because it opposes the US.
I’ve been to Jewish gatherings where they had duplicates of some food products because half of them insisted on eating an Israeli brand and half of them refused to.