At work today I heard a few people say that “they didn’t vote for elon” and why does he have so much power and I got to thinking that I haven’t actually met anyone who says they did vote for Elon.

I know he wasn’t on my ballot, but neither was Nancy Pelosi and I never met anyone who voted for her but shes always in office so i just assumed it was a regional thing, but why are people around me saying stuff about not voting for him but they dont complain about nancy pelosi?

idk something just feels off to me like if i could have voted for him why wasn’t he on my ballot?

Did the dems tried to supress his vote just because he’s a white guy or was he not in my district or something?

    19 days ago

    I know he wasn’t on my ballot, but neither was Nancy Pelosi and I never met anyone who voted for her but shes always in office

    My fuckin sides 👏