Project 2025 blueprint for second Trump term envisages replacing thousands of career staff with political loyalists

America’s career diplomats are braced for the threat of a mass purge if Donald Trump wins the November election and for the potential flooding of the state department with loyalty-tested political appointees.

Rather than leading to a seamless change of course in a rightward Trumpist direction, the diplomats’ union and former ambassadors argue, such an attempted takeover would be much more likely to end in legal challenges, gridlock and chaos.

If elected, Trump has threatened to reinstate a policy he unsuccessfully attempted in his first term with the creation of “Schedule F”, a new category of federal employees which would be applied to tens of thousands of civil servants in “policy-related” jobs, robbing them of legal protections and making them liable to be fired at will.

    4 months ago

    This sounds scary and I have no reason to claim this but I believe this will just blow up in their face.

    Something they overlooked that will be used against them

      4 months ago

      The playbook for Project 2025 is about 1000 pages long. A think tank with decades of experience about US politics is behind it. Heritage Foundation heavily influenced a lot of policies of past GOP presidents.

      In a german podcast I recently heard about a few of the keypoints of their plans. Let me just say: 2017 wasn’t the most important election in the USA. It’s this year. Especially when regarding what’s happening in Europe and also with the climate. The world can’t afford “Drill baby drill” or guys like DeSantis getting blank checks and other foobar situations like mask bans everywhere or leaving NATO.

      If you’re not considering Dark Brandon you’re just not informed enough.

        4 months ago

        Look I’m not trying to downplay genuinely but every election will be this and has been. From Carter to Regan to Bush and Obama. They’re all really important.

        That said, they slammed abortion and it harmed them. They rigged the election for Bush but failed for Trump.

        I don’t think they’re on the rise, I think they’re thrashing struggling for air here. Project 2025 is desperation in my eyes.

          4 months ago

          I’m from Germany and we know to good how fast bat shit crazy and intelligent guys with authoritarianistic aspirations can hypnotize the masses and let them commit crimes against humanity (in fact we’re just witnessing it again with the AfD). Those same guys have the absolute will to win the next US election. Doesn’t matter if they ran into a few roadblocks on their journey. Doesn’t matter if they claim they are not associated with the Nazi mentality or that Hitler was an abomination. They essentially pursue the same goals.

          I have no will anymore to discuss this out with internet strangers, so I let others speak:

          "Author and legal analyst James Zirin, said in an op-ed in The Hill on Nov 13 Trump wants to “terminate the Constitution to restore himself to power, an insurrectionary act in and of itself. That power would be in the hands of the president with neither checks nor balances.

          Trump has vowed on Day 1 to invoke the Insurrection Act to deploy the military to violently crush any protest or dissent. He plans to purge the Justice Department of anyone deemed disloyal and deploy across four federal agencies a 50,000-strong bloc of loyalists to defense, legal, judicial and regulatory slots."

          From the perspective of people who understand that Project 2025 is just fascism hiding behind the MAGA hats:

          And a podcast for to share with friends & family: