As someone in the EU, can you take Hungary with you when you leave?
We’re so close to BRITCHES.
The full, current list is: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates
Adding Turkey and Hungary would lead to: SHITBRICEEU, which I find amusing :)
Turkey is being their contrarian self, yet again.
BRICS members India and China famously get along just fine
Brics is basically the “we don’t like the west!” club of countries that think they’re entitled to being great powers for… basically just cause.
Brazil is basically just trying to manifest being a fully developed industrial economy, Russia is clinging to the dying scraps of being the second great power, India has all the potential, manpower, and material but is currently hanging itself with a nationalist noose in terms of being able to so business with anyone besides maybe Surinam, China tries to act like they’re not bothered by having to do work to achieve international standing but VERY OBVIOUSLY resent that the world hasn’t just reverted to the pre-age-of-colonialism status quo of China being the top of the world in terms of trade, and South Africa has apparently collapsed five times since 2020 alone with how many headlines you hear about it.
Turkiye is the proper name btw. They formally requested people start using their name correctly.
Eh, lots of countries have different names in other languages. In English, we call it “Germany,” not Deutschland. In Spanish, it’s “Los Estados Unidos,” not the United States. In English it’s “Wales,” but in Welsh it’s Cymru. Just 3 of hundreds of examples
They asked for being written Turkiye especially in English. In Deutschland we can go on calling their country Türkei because out turkey is called Truthahn.
I have no opinion on this, but maybe it just takes more time. I don’t hear anyone calling Chinas capital ‘Peking’ anymore, only Bejing, but that didn’t happen instantly either.
I do. That’s the correct name/spelling in Swedish.
Sorry, I didn’t make that clear, I meant in Germany, as the commenter talked about the German translation of turkey.
They did or Erdogan did?
Because this reeks of useless nationalism.
Apparently the spelling is closer to the pronunciation and is older than the English spelling.
That doesn’t answer the question asked, however.
In the wiki article. The request was formally don’e by the government of Turkiye to the UN. It was accepted as a formal name change. And yes, Erdogan is their president. Im also not a fan of him, but calling a country by their name should not be contentious, or should it?
Turkey has no chance with EU. So I guess it makes sense.
China is planning to circumvent the Bosphorous straight, I’m surprised Turkey doesn’t respond to such a suggestion with a stream of umlauted profanities capable of even making an average HBO drama blush!