• retrospectology@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights. I think it’s you who’ve lost your way.

    Look again at what your “lesser evil” is doing. Where it’s gotten us. You’ve literally been pushed so far to the right that you’re here defending the deliberate starvation of tens of thousands of children. You’re completely politically and morally disoriented.

    That’s you. That’s the fruit of your support right there in that image. Go ahead and justify it to yourself however you want when you cast a vote, it doesn’t change the reality of what you’re saying is acceptable for Democrats to support.

    • JimSamtanko@lemm.ee
      4 months ago

      So name someone better. Come on now, you pulled me up to the pump… let’s get some gas now! Name a candidate. Who can win that will have both the power AND authority to end your genocide?

      Come on. I’m sure you have ideas. You can’t be here ONLY to stop people from voting….


          • retrospectology@lemmy.world
            4 months ago

            Huh? I named someone better than a pro-genocide candidate; a literal inanimate object. Unfortunately the DNC has not left us with any electable options, only an old far right genocide supporter.

            How is that trolling? Biden is helping starve tens of thousands of kids. That’s a fact. You might support that, I do not, you can’t rhetorically trick me into thinking that’s ok. You understand that, right?

              • retrospectology@lemmy.world
                4 months ago

                The hubris is incredible. No amount if declaring a thing will make it true.

                We’ll be “dOnE hErE” when neolibs stop fielding AIPAC stooges and funding a genocide. You won’t be able to hide from reality until that happens, then we can all go back to your right-wing lesser of two evils bs.

    • barsquid@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Women and lgbt people are already losing their rights.

      Repub SCOTUS is the Dem’s fault, classic.

      • retrospectology@lemmy.world
        4 months ago

        The Dems are just as complicit for not acknowledging or addressing the danger we were in from the Federalist society. First I heard of the plan to capture the courts was almost twenty years ago, people were warning about it, neolibs refused to treat it as a real threat.

        Instead we got idiots thinking they could rely on “decorum” and tradition, on patting their Repub colleagues on the ass like it’s a baseball game, instead of admitting what we already knew; the right is fully fascist and out for blood.

        The loss of the court is the fault of every single dipshit neolib who chose to believe that the courts weren’t a political arm, that they were actually non-partisan. It’s the fault of Ginsberg for arrogantly clinging to power despite being sick for years. It’s the fault of Democrats for refusing even now to entertain the possibility of packing the court or trying to implement term limits on justices by cycling them out to other federal positions.

        They were too busy sucking corporate dick, protecting the status quo and sabotaging progressives like Sanders because he wanted functional healthcare and to take away their binky of lobby money to even see what was happening around them, let alone organize a resistance to it.

        The blind greed and deliberate incompetence of Democrats makes them complicit.