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“Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered. But never before have I watched as soldiers enticed children like mice into a trap and murdered them for sport.”
- Christopher Hedges American journalist on assignment in Gaza
Can some aliens just come in and blow up Earth please? Humanity does not deserve to exist.
It’s not the humanity, it’s the 1 % that think that they have devine rule, again.
Wasn’t NASA talking about an asteroid heading our way!
Even the Asteroid took one look and said “fuck that”
I say we launch the earth defence rockets anyway an coax it back on course
It was going to impact South America, they don’t deserve it.
Yeah but they keep reducing the chance to hit so with jt starting off at 3% it just is not happening.
DART has shown us, that we can deflect asterids a bit. If we time it right, maybe we can get a successful hit on the next encounter.
Last I heard, it had increased from ~1% to like 2.4/2.5%?
Never discount a 3% chance, lots of things happen every day with those odds.
It’s been revised to 0.001%
We’ll see as it gets closer.
Blaming Humanity for the crimes of Imperialism is a fascist talking point.
The aliens need to blow up Tel Aviv.