I’m very new to this. I have used Street Complete to do some little things over the last few months, but made my first manual edits yesterday.

I’m starting by fixing up the small community where I live. A lot of stuff has already been done by some automation using “NRCan-CanVec-7.0” data and it’s really wrong for civic numbers. But, it matches the numbers in the “standard” layer in the maps. I’m happy to go around and manually draw houses and update civic numbers (I did say it’s a small community) but the map is going to look confusing when the base layer shows conflicting numbers. How can I fix that?

  • Undearius@lemmy.ca
    6 days ago

    Just a couple more things to add:

    Sometimes the tile will update on the server but your browser will still show the old one. You can press Ctrl+Shift+R to do a more thorough reload of the webpage.

    The tiles are usually pretty quick to update at high zoom levels (like when you’re zoomed all the way in) but they are slower to update the more zoomed out you are.