F*cking rude, people put those books there for the enjoyment of the local community and you’re out here ruining that process for them so you can make a quick buck.
Look, if you need to get your bag, get your bag. I’m still going to call you an asshole for being an asshole. This is why I permanent marker all of my LFL donations so they’re less resellable.
Noone’s forcing you to buy it.
Nooone’s forcing you to steal and sell books that should be given away for free, assh*le
Distribting books is a valuable service, and I’m nog oing to work for free.
It says free on the box!
The Box Isn’t For Sale.
I’ll give you $300 for the whole lot, but you need to bring that box and meet me in the police station’s e-commerce zone, aka their parking lot.
Bring some form of id and leave your phone unlocked pls 🙏 ty
I don’t drive.
That’s okay, you can walk.
Too far.
Garden included?
Yes, it is still available.