I would like to provide some context to this video. It was filmed in Berlin, at an Pro-Palestine / anti-Israel demonstration.
Multiple journalists have been attacked during the demonstration. Levi Salomon, a journalist active in the JFDA e.V (Jewish Forum for Democracy and against Antisemitism) has been attacked by a woman who poured hot tea over him. Multiple policemen attempted to arrest this woman, but she was protected by other demonstrants. This video has been filmed directly after this incident. It shows heavy police violence that cannot be apologized, however I find this context very important.
According to the German Journalist Union (duj), more than 100 attacks on journalists during pro-palestine demonstrations have been reported in 2024. There are also police investigations running about an “enemy list” with journalists names and their private addresses.
You can read this source here, unfortunately it is in German.
I gave my best to report this in a neutral way, but if you are angry, you can of course down vote.
You are linking a right wing Zionist paper as a source which is famous for making stuff up.
This is not context this is just misinformation. Your alleged context also makes no sense with the video as the cops are mashing in skulls instead of trying to break through.
It is indeed a more conservative / center-right newspaper. That doesn’t mean it is wrong. The German media landscape is much diverser and more free than what you are used to in the US.
Here is another source from a more liberal newspaper.
But let’s be honest here, you are angry and do not care about information outside your bubble. That’s okay, downvote and move on.
Zionists infiltrating pro Palestine demonstrationts make up fake stories of antisemitism is such a classic trope by now that I am amazed anyone still buys them.
Once again your story fails to explain the video in any logical way. The police is acting like football hooligans. Or actually a better term: Nazis. And somehow we have a sympathizer coming in with claims the peaceful protesters were the violent ones.
Consider watching the video again.
I did Nazi that coming.
I don’t what it is about opposing the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Palestine that brings out the worst in Western governments and security apparatuses
Zionist money.
Germany was wrong the first time and here we are they are wrong again lol
Perfect optics. Exactly the outcome the protesters were looking for.
Flying flags of an Arab country on a day dedicated to women’s rights is insulting.
Western countries complicit in genocide on Arab women, daring to open their mouths about women’s rights as an authority is insolent.
I’m not part of a western government, I’m part of a western society that sees women as more than birthing and child rearing machines
Unless they are brown, then you are fine with literal genocide on women apparently.
Those cops punch like I do in my dreams. Throwin hay makers and not landing a single shot. Pathetic
That’s on purpose. The protestors made a human chain and the cops are trying to break it up. The punches are aimed so it encourages to let go of the neighbor.
They are not using the batons they also carry with them.
Yea, gonna need a source on this one. Not buying it otherwise
I really appreciate the link to a story on this because I hate out of context video. But I really wish they had used a different outlet like Mastodon or Bluesky, I hate giving any traffic to Xwitter.
We will maybe break up with usa but never with israel. Fucking shameful what germany of all places is endorsing.
As a state, it’s easier to support Israel than to actually take some fucking responsibility.
Loving the irony of that fully armored Nazi police fuck pushing and punching an unarmed old woman on her face, front-and-center of this video.
are those flags for women’s rights movement?
Should women be allowed to speak up about something they care about on women’s day? Thats the real discussion
No, very much the opposite.
The civilized Western world is ramming some sense into these crazy women holding Palestinian flags where the most women are killed worldwide by the West.
Truly this is peak civilization.
I can only imagine the comments if this was Iran instead of Germany.
Those are Palestinian flags, buddy.
Indeed. Palestinian women are the most oppressed women in the world. They are being oppressed by the Western hegemony and Israel.
I wanted to make a funny joke, but honestly this is just fucking disrespecful. I am sure you know 100% how women in gaza are treated. To not aknowledge this, ESPECIALLY when you’re using women’s rights as a bait in your title is just utterly disrespectful.
It is disrespectful to all the women suffering and it is underminig and deminishing the women’s rights movement.
Though maybe that’s what you want, the way you defend (deliberately not talk about) islamists mistreating women.
When your racism surpasses literal genocide.
- If you think respecting women has anything to do with race, maybe yoi’re the racist one
- By calling everything you don’t like “racism”, you weaken the term. The next time I see you call someone a “racist” I will think they’re actually a feminist like me. If ebough people do this enough times, the term “racism” will lose all its meaning and its bad chonotation
More than 13.000 women mass murdered, many more injured, around a million women and girls actively starved and psychologically tortured.
Worlds most oppressed are oppressed by Secularism and Liberalism. Not “islamism”.
If you knew anything about Gaza except racism, you would know women in Gaza are not even obliged to wear headscarves and one of the Emmy winning journalists from Gaza (Wizard Bisan) does not.
… on top of being oppressed by Islamists
No Israel is the only party mass murdering and starving Palestinian women.
Your imaginary racism has nothing to do with real oppression.
Well, someone wasn’t at a protest today. /s
Auf Bullenschweine wirft man Steine
Dann dürfen die ja auch zuschlagen oder?
Which city? BE is Berlin?
Berlin today. Source https://x.com/DropSiteNews/status/1898481083424890942