stop trying to give me an ultimatum, saying i’ll go to hell or that we can’t be friends if i don’t pray.
if i’m uncertain that god exists because there’s NO PROOF EITHER WAY for me.
i’m not a “perfect” straight christian woman like you are, i’m not going to change myself because my looks “tempt” men. i dress for me, not for men.
i don’t CARE if same-gender relationships are “sins” and you’ll go to hell. there are some pro-lgbt churches. i don’t care if “all women are for is to complement men and they’re inferior and they should only be with other men for that reason”.
this shit makes me so mad. i don’t have to be religious if i don’t want to be. there’s this one straight christian woman i know and she hates other women it’s so annoying, and she claims to support the lgbt but “doesn’t care about gay/trans rights”.
omfg shut up, there’s some actual kind christians despite me not being one myself, but these people obviously aren’t.
if you’re genuinely curious as to whether i pray, am christian/religious, or go to church, then that’s fine, but DON’T TRY TO FORCE ME. i thought christianity preached acceptance??
The people you are talking about are not Christians. They do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. They are at best cafeteria Christians and at worst Christians in name only.
I wonder if we’ll ever find a true Scotsman.
Ok, but a “Christian” is anyone who claims to be a Christian. There are no other unifying features of Christianity that make one a “True” Christian. Of course, all Christians claim to be the “True” Christians, and claim that any Christians who do not meet some arbitrary requirement aren’t really Christians. All Christians have equal claim to the ideology, and this equally validates their claim to be Christians and invalidates their claims that others are not real Christians.
Christians follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. If you don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ but call yourself a Christian you are a Christian in name only.
Hate Your Father and Mother
“If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.” Luke 14:26
9.Throws tables up and trashes a temple being used by money changers and people selling their merchandise, though it’s not a building owned by him, calls them robbers (if this story had any credibility he would have met some resistance and been killed) Matthew 21:12-13, Mark 11:15-18
Jesus Christ had a lot of teachings, one of which is that all humans are imperfect. All fall short, and let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Does that mean you aren’t a Christian, since you’re expecting perfection of Christians?
Perfection, no. An effort, yes. I am an atheist and live in a country with actual religious freedom.
I’d argue that anyone claiming to be a Christian believes they are making an effort to follow the teachings of Christ as they understand them.
I’m not sure why you think where you live is relevant, but OK.
If “Christians” had read and understood the Bible instead of just accepting what bad faith actors told them I bet they would probably be better Christians.
Where I live is relevant since as an atheist I have actual religious freedom which means that the Christian prohibition against judging others does not apply to me. I am free to judge that false Christians are horrible people.
The problem is in understanding the bible. Christianity is an esoteric religion. A quick read is not going to get someone there. It is beyond most peoples range of knowledge. Eastern religions ( Buddhism, Hindu, etc ) make it clear that a teacher is needed to understand. In the west Christianity is a perverted false religion at this point and has been for a very long time. This has allowed for many “false Prophets” (which the same religion clearly warned against) to lead masses of people down a wrong path.
Might want to change the name of your religion then, because it’s been mainly overtaken by evil hateful people, and you’re not going to get it back.
I’m an atheist. Atheism is not a religion. It’s the complete lack of religion.
I’m aware of what atheism is, thanks, sweetie.
Maybe don’t talk like you know what a “”“real Christian”“” is. I know what it is because I lived that life and am now stuck in a town where it’s the majority. Fuck your pussyfooting.
Sit down.
Does that ever work? It isn’t going to work with me.
It’s obvious that the loudest modern “”“”“”““Christians””“”“”“” (I’m not sure what the point of all those quotation marks is but I’m just going with it) pick and choose the most hateful passages of the Old Testament to justify their own fear, hate, and self loathing.
You may not like it but it is the truth.
You have a rose-tinted picture of Christianity. Christians are Christians are Christians are Christians. You don’t get to be the arbiter of “real” Christianity.
Christians are the followers of the teachings of Jusus Christ. If you don’t follow the teachings of Jesus Christ you may call yourself a Christian but you are not a Christian.
And who exactly decides whether you are following the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Are you the arbiter? Out of curiosity, should I send prospective Christians your way for adjudication? I just feel like I need to know who I can safely ignore and those who legitimately are Christians and have the correct moral standing to judge my placement into eternal damnation.
What’s the best way to get a hold of you? Do you charge for this service or is this something of a ministry? Do you have a website or should I just DM you here?
Fortunately, the teachings of Jesus Christ are well documented and whether they are or are not following those teachings is self evident.
Cafeteria sounds good. How could something cafeteria-related be bad?
They pick and choose.
They follow Leviticus 20:13 but not Matthew 7:1-3 or Luke 6:37.
They chose which teachings to follow based on their own fear, hate, and self-loathing.
Ever been in a shitty cafeteria? I have.