In the last few months I decided to see what I could find on DVD and Blu-ray. It’s a matter of luck and persistence but I do find good stuff now and then. Anyone else find missing Blu-rays from combo Blu-ray and DVd sets? Or DVD-Rs instead of pressed? And how do some people manage to scratch their discs so impressively?
Besides Value Village and Renaissance, what stores do you go to, and for what type of goods? I mostly look for physical media, and electronics that I consider valuable.
I haven’t found too many other stores yet in Montréal, but there’s Friperie Notre-Dame in Lachine. They have decent physical media.
On the other hand there was the Habitat for Humanity Re-store, the one in St-Henri. They sold books and some records. It just went out of business and I can certainly see one reason why: selling donated or trash-picked furniture for as much as twice the price of a new item. Crazy.
I think they got upset at me one day because I saw a 9" Sony Trinitron in perfect condition with no price tag and the cashier just said “five bucks” and I barely had the time to slap a fiver on the counter when the manager came running at Mach 2 but too late.