In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.
Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?
In a now-deleted post on Telegram, a hacking group called Dark Storm Team claimed responsibility for the attack.
Do you think it really was a group in Ukraine, or do you reckon that’s bullshit?
Using basically any VPN that allows server selection or tor would allow anyone to look like their IP was from Ukraine.
Hi guys, I’m from Ukraine!
That’s exactly what someone who was from Ukraine trying to look like they were from Ukraine would say.
I see no reason to doubt your claim. Slava Ukraini! yak spravy, i yakyy tviy ulyublenyy dynozavr?
(On a related note, are there any translation services that are as good as that of Google?)
Better still: And use their anonymous proxy to anonymize their proxy to msft even further!