Federal agents surveilled and detained two men in Spokane Valley, broke into their truck, injured and arrested them as they were going to a court hearing, breaking up a family.
That’s the thing they formed an “interagency taskforce” so it was Forest Service, BLM, Corrections, FBI, Federal Police, ICE, DHS, etc etc etc. You couldn’t point to any one agency, which was part of the problem. The other problem is it was an obvious end run around Posse Comitatus. He couldn’t get the military to deploy illegally so he made his own little army.
That’s the thing they formed an “interagency taskforce” so it was Forest Service, BLM, Corrections, FBI, Federal Police, ICE, DHS, etc etc etc. You couldn’t point to any one agency, which was part of the problem. The other problem is it was an obvious end run around Posse Comitatus. He couldn’t get the military to deploy illegally so he made his own little army.