‘Our nurses, teachers, firefighters, librarians ... are not, as the world’s richest man implies, genocidal murderers,’ fires back angry union president
That would be perfect. And I want it to be an accidental one, not that mind the idea of him being murdered. It would just so much more funny if he died due to the shear incompetance of his company. Or if a piece of a space X rocket fell on him lol
I hope he dies in a Tesla fire.
That would be perfect. And I want it to be an accidental one, not that mind the idea of him being murdered. It would just so much more funny if he died due to the shear incompetance of his company. Or if a piece of a space X rocket fell on him lol
Weirder things have happened. Did you hear about the late owner of Segway? Literally drove one off a cliff
Sad thing is, he was ahead of his time. He imagined micromobility about 20-30 years too soon and never got to live to see it take off
“Oops” indeed ;-))
I’ve never seen him in one that wasn’t promotional
That’s how one would cleans another of evil, right? It’d be good for him.
Good for us too!