Chicago Police and the FBI are investigating if saboteurs placed bugs in a breakfast buffet prepared for delegates at the Democratic National Convention on Wednesday.

“Multiple unknown female offenders are alleged to have entered a building…and began placing unknown objects onto tables containing food,” the convention’s information center said in a statement. “The offenders are believed to have then left the area. One victim was treated and released on-scene. Along with CPD, FBI-Chicago is assisting in the investigation.”

      6 months ago

      So what you’re saying is that we should let trump win and let israel completely wipe gaza and the west bank off the map? We don’t vote for harris because we love her or something. We vote to keep fascists from winning and destroying everything.

      What is it with you people? Im pro-palestine but do you want lgbt people murdered, people of color even more oppressed, set back society 80 years, possibly never get to vote again because trump WILL make sure of that. And dont forget destroying educations, food health and safety and other laws and institutions that makes society better and safer?

      I get that democrats are not doing nearly enough to stop israel. But trump will do so so so much worse. And not only the palestinian people, but also america itself.

        6 months ago

        What in your brain makes you think they’re saying that? Demanding more from Democratic leadership isn’t the same thing as saying you’re going to vote for trump, or not vote at all.

        Will I vote for Kamala? Sure its better than Trump, and even a little better than Biden. She’s still a fucking cop who supports genocide though. Low fucking bar, and we absolutely have every right to removed, moan, and complain about it.

        Stop making excuses for establishment neoliberalism

          6 months ago

          “I will demand more from them by poisoning their food! That will surely make them love me! And listen to me! There no way this can backfire at all!1!”

      • Deceptichum
        6 months ago

        That’s a lot of words to say you tolerate genocide abroad to avoid it at home.

          6 months ago

          Maybe all those words are saying something about naive single-issue voters who can’t comprehend the world is not perfect and it’s not that simple.

          • Deceptichum
            6 months ago

            Genocide is non-negotiable. Shame some people don’t agree with that sentiment.

              6 months ago

              Theres plenty of room to argue that

              1. No US presidential candidates are involved in genocide
              2. While there’s a huge atrocity/humanitarian crisis in Gaza, genocide implies an intent that’s not there
              3. Hamas started it and are the legally elected and internationally recognized government - they invaded a foreign country, killed over 1,000 civilians, kidnapped hundreds as hostages, and assumed they could just leave safely.

              No one can argue the horror being inflicted on Palestinian civilians, nor the scale of that horror, but it’s not as black and white as you make it seem by throwing around loaded terms like “genocide”, nor is US directly involved, nor can we necessarily intervene in another country’s affairs

              • Deceptichum
                6 months ago

                Biden literally fast tracked arms and funding to Israel. As well as all the warships and other direct military support being offered.

                America is literally the sole reason Israel continues to act with impunity.

                And this genocide has been going on long before Hamas, they didn’t start shit.

                To pretend America is not deeply involved in this affair is the most ignorant brain dead take possible.

                  6 months ago

                  There’s been a deal with Israel since 2016. Israel is fighting after a terrorist attack. They’re doing your genocide, blame them. Weird how nobody blames Israel, instead they want to blame the Democrats??? Laughable.

                  This isn’t working, you’re not helping your cause, in fact you’re just pissing people off that do care and would do something. Hmmm, maybe you know and understand that and you want the genocide so this is your way of making sure it happens? Is that true?

          6 months ago

          Trump called Bibi in an attempt to sink a ceasefire deal because it would help the Democrats. But I’m sure since you’re so concerned with genocide that you’ve already heard this and called him out on it.

      • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
        6 months ago

        Huh, I suppose if you do support Palestine, you can’t be a DNC delegate?

        Of course not, you simply shouldn’t be a DNC delegate if you support Palestine. Because they’ll point at these delegates and use them as props to say “see, we’re listening to Palestinians” while not changing course.

        These are not ordinary voters, these are sometimes local politicians but competing to run the same machine as their more successful national counterparts. These individuals have some degree of power and influence, and they’re choosing to use it for the American Empire.

        Zero pity for these turbo-losers getting bugs in their food. Admittedly, making “putting bugs in food” a popular protest tactic doesn’t set a great precedent considering the food safety implications for everyone else, but food safety concerns are NOTHING compared to what Palestinians are suffering at the delegates’ party’s hands.

          6 months ago

          You are making this the ONLY issue in the world. I fucking hate the israeli government for what they are doing. Fuck israel. But you are willing to let everyone around you burn for this. Willing to let lgbt, people of color, students, poor people and the working class be oppressed and possibly murdered. Because trump WILL make sure of that.

          • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
            6 months ago

            Willing to let lgbt, people of color, students, poor people and the working class be oppressed and possibly murdered.

            Sounds like what’s happening right fucking now under a Democrat presidency!

            Comic of Lucy and Charlie Brown where Charlie Brown is falling on his ass because Lucy tricked him into kicking a football and then pulling it away at the last second

            How many times do you have to try to kick Lucy’s football before you realize that she’s punking you?!?

            Voting for President merely ratifies decisions already made by capital. I’m not voting for your candidate, and I refuse to be guilted for decisions already made by capital.

            Because trump WILL make sure of that.

            Trump winning would be an indicator of the trajectory you have no control over as far as the ballot box is concerned.

            But you are willing to let everyone around you burn for this.

            No I am not. I want people to organize themselves against the system, not within it. The system itself is the problem. Having “”“good people”“” is insufficient to get even mediocre change. See self-described socialist AOC speedrunning ghoulification.

              6 months ago

              your rhetoric only serves to further de legitimize your position. you’re basically a caricature of a useless tankie.

                  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
                    6 months ago

                    Will do because the Democrats are the ones in power right now.

                    To be crystal clear: fuck the Republicans. No disagreement there.

                    But they’re not pretending to be the good guys, sapping energy from radical movements and (as liberals) basically existing to spoil popular revolutions. They’re not pulling possible comrades out the game with their variety of liberalism. That’s why I’m so incessant on pushing back against the Democrats.

              6 months ago

              Most of us are not organizing within the system to fix it. We are voting as a way of putting our foot on the breaks while we organize outside of it. The train is going fast. Trump accelerates it and Harris makes it go slower.

              Voting does not mean we are organizing inside the system. Its a half baked measure we use to our advantage.

              Nobody is saying Harris will stop or reverse the train. But we are not going accelerate the train and hurt even more people than it already is. We are privileged to be hanging off the sides instead of laying on the tracks like many many others.

              • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
                6 months ago

                We are voting as a way of putting our foot on the breaks while we organize outside of it. The train is going fast. Trump accelerates it and Harris makes it go slower.

                I got no beef with people voting for Democrats in the general election, even though I disagree with their choice, because it doesn’t affect the outcome of anything. My beef is with these delegates, these people in a position of influence and power.

                Nobody is saying Harris will stop or reverse the train. But we are not going accelerate the train and hurt even more people than it already is.

                Of course we shouldn’t accelerate the “train”, I cannot stress enough that I agree with that statement and that accelerationism is bad, but it is my view that

                1. Voting in the general election does nothing to brake the train. Not near zero, zero. Voting is orthogonal to what needs to be done. If it’ll make you more comfortable, then go vote I guess.
                2. Voting as a DNC delegate requires you to tow their party line and do other things that compromise any intended “braking” of the “train”. This specific vote, as well as any other equivalent collaboration with the Democratic establishment, is what I am irritated about.
                  6 months ago

                  Voting in the general election does nothing to brake the train. Not near zero, zero.

                  I fear that you’re mistaking your own pessimism for absolute truth, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.

                  Voting is orthogonal to what needs to be done.

                  What, in your view, needs to be done?

                  • PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S [he/him]
                    6 months ago

                    I fear that you’re mistaking your own pessimism for absolute truth, but I’m willing to be convinced otherwise.

                    Indigenous Action did a great write-up on this topic. Although to be completely honest, the point of this thread was really to condemn the DNC delegates specifically. Actually, I brought up voting at all in this thread in response to the suggestion that I am:

                    Willing to let lgbt, people of color, students, poor people and the working class be oppressed and possibly murdered.

                    As a poor grad student, and sibling to two lovely LGBT POC for whom I would literally kill to protect, this is a particularly offensive implication (from a different user!) that I often see bundled with pro-electoralism rhetoric, so I preemptively brought in Colin Ward’s article against voting.

                    What, in your view, needs to be done?

                    In the large, abolish all authority and hierarchy by popular revolution. If that is impossible, then approximate it as best as possible in the real world using a basis of popular liberatory actions emulating the end goal.

                    In the small, these delegates could use their power to physically and logistically disrupt the DNC until at least the US ending weapons transfers is secured. For everyone else, support protesters for Gaza in your life, show up to the protests if you can, do direct actions [1] if you can … do nothing if you have to, but most importantly, don’t cooperate with the war machine!

                    I hope this clarifies what I meant by saying:

                    Voting is orthogonal to what needs to be done.

                    Because while voting doesn’t necessarily hurt direct action efforts [2], it doesn’t help either. It’s just a completely independent class of activity. It’s like if, on a typical x-y plane (where the x and y axes are assumed to be orthogonal), we need to move in (let’s say) the positive x direction, and people keep spamming inputs in the y direction.

                    [1] Just the first part of section J.2, not including J.2.1 and onward. The rest is supplementary.

                    [2] There is an argument to be made (and I believe the article I cited makes it) that activism for voting takes time and energy that would otherwise be spent on direct action. Also, technically speaking, voting does literally take time away from direct action for the amount of time you’re waiting to vote and actually in the booth, but I’m an engineer so I’m willing to neglect small-valued terms 😆.