An artist who infamously duped an art contest with an AI image is suing the U.S. Copyright Office over its refusal to register the image’s copyright.

In the lawsuit, Jason M. Allen asks a Colorado federal court to reverse the Copyright Office’s decision on his artwork Theatre D’opera Spatialbecause it was an expression of his creativity.

Reuters says the Copyright Office refused to comment on the case while Allen in a statement complains that the office’s decision “put me in a terrible position, with no recourse against others who are blatantly and repeatedly stealing my work.”

    16 days ago

    Man. If coming up with apples to oranges comparisons was a skill, somehow I have a feeling you’d have AI do it for you.

    Do you honestly think a farmer’s knowledge of crops, seasonal growth rates, harvesting times and techniques, using the right tools to promote growth, nitrogen/PH content of soil, and how to properly avoid blight is somehow the same thing as some kid knuckling a few adjectives into a computer and creating a pretty picture?

    Fuck man. You are ALL the way out of gas here.

    However, I’ll add that having punched up that ridiculous response, you’re now a world class comedian. Congrats!

    Oh, and if they work on an assembly line, then no, they’re not a manufacturer- they’re what’s called a “laborer”. That’s how shit works. The company in your scenario would be the manufacturer. They would have done the R&D, designed and financed the machinery and produced the product.

    Man, your school sucked.

      16 days ago

      Do you honestly think a farmer’s knowledge of crops, seasonal growth rates, harvesting times and techniques, using the right tools to promote growth, nitrogen/PH content of soil, and how to properly avoid blight is somehow the same thing as some kid knuckling a few adjectives into a computer and creating a pretty picture?

      That’s all knowledge you need to produce crops and not fuck it up. By saying you can’t “fuck up” AI art you’re saying that the years of art school learning about composition and all other stuff is worthless because a talentless pleb like me has the same aristic vision as someone who spent their life studying art. Way to take a huge shit on all the artists.

        16 days ago

        It takes zero art school knowledge to create art using AI. So no, despite your best efforts to villainize me and twist the argument in your favor…

        What I’m doing is taking a huge shit on people who pretend to be artists by using AI. Actual artists won’t need to use AI because they have actual skill.

        Same with music. If you’re too fucking lazy to pick up a guitar and play- you’re not a musician.

          16 days ago

          It takes zero art school knowledge to create art using AI.

          But it takes knowledge of art to know when a good image is generated vs any random image. The same way it takes knowledge of how to fertilize the soil, but it takes almost no farming knowledge to hop on a tractor and till the soil.

          What I’m doing is taking a huge shit on people who pretend to be artists by using AI. Actual artists won’t need to use AI because they have actual skill.

          Same with music. If you’re too fucking lazy to pick up a guitar and play- you’re not a musician.

          No, you’re clearly taking a shit on all the artist, especially after that last point about music. You pretty much said some of the greatest and most influential artists in the last 50 years are not actually artists.

            16 days ago

            You pretty much said some of the greatest and most influential artists in the last 50 years are not actually artists.

            No, I didn’t say that at all- oooohhh… wait, hold on… . Before this gets out-of-hand:

            You think that because I specifically said “guitar” that I meant to say that if it’s not written on a guitar, it’s not music. Yeah. No. It’s implied that by “guitar” I meant ANY instrument of choice that isn’t someone hitting the spacebar to start the digital track that their AI computer created for them.

            Give it a rest man. You’re not an artist in my mind. But don’t worry! I’m sure you have a lot of other people fooled. Why should one person that called you out matter?

            Go have fun somewhere.

              15 days ago

              I love how you strawman your own argument to pivot your point when you get called out. No I didn’t consider only guitar, but I did the cut off point at electronic instruments like synthesizers, sequencers, samplers etc. because they often end up “hitting the spacebar to start the digital track”. But you tell me, do you consider this music? because Aphex Twin was the first artist that came to my mind when you said what you said and he’s pretty influential.

              Give it a rest man. You’re not an artist in my mind.

              I love how you think I’m defending myself here. I’m not an artist in my mind either, in fact I don’t even do art. But unlike you I have enough respect for art to know that even if I personally don’t enjoy something it doesn’t stop it from being art.