Royce White, the 2024 Republican nominee for Senate in Minnesota, wrote in a social media post two years ago that “the bad guys won in WWII.”

White’s controversial opinion on World War II, first noted by Heartland Signal, is still up.

“It dawned on me today,” he wrote in a November 2020 post on X, then known as Twitter. “The bad guys won in WWII. There were no ‘good guys’ in that war. The controlling interests had a jump ball. If you look closely, you see the link between liberalism and communism in the Allied forces. Remember what Gen. Patton said and why they capped him.”

Yet VoteVets, a progressive political action committee, wasn’t buying it.

“This isn’t just bizarre—it’s reprehensible,” the group wrote in response to White’s post. “His unhinged rants and attacks on his own party show exactly why the GOP’s candidate problem is a threat to us all.”

    12 days ago

    This sounds like the sort of thing a highschool sophomore would say after realizing that the allies had flaws too. How embarrassing…

  • Flying
    12 days ago

    Not even a little surprised, and it’s hilarious that these morons never seem to understand that the internet is forever. Royce White is 33 years old. By the time he was old enough to use a computer, the original dot-com boom had started. There is no way he should be this internet-illiterate, and yet here we are.

    At least he’s in Minnesota where he has absolutely no chance of winning.

    12 days ago

    He’s talking about Communists. The Soviets were a major part of the allied victory. More out of necessity than anything else. I don’t think Stalin wanted to fight the Germans. Not at all. That’s why he signed the The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, though I think he did want to use Germany’s war to try and take territory for the Soviet Union, and expand the Soviet sphere of influence. Regardless, the Communists were on the winning side and people like this guy hate that fact.

    They hate communism because the stated goal of communists is to create a classless, moneyless, stateless society. Modern Conservatives might not be fully aligned with Fascists in general, or the Nazis specifically, but they do have one very key thing in common with them: their incredibly strong belief in hierarchy. What the Nazis and modern Conservatives share in common is a belief that some people are inherently superior to others. For this reason, the idea of a society without social classes is abhorrent to them, and so is democracy. They cannot stand the idea of a society ruled by the people. In this regard, they are much more clearly aligned with fascists than communists, or democrats.

    Modern Conservatives are not necessarily aligned with liberals, either, although liberalism does not reject hierarchy nor does it require, or even prefer, democracy (see Chile under Pinochet). In fact, I would say liberals prefer that their “democracy” be one that is carefully curated by elites, experts, and certain members of the upper social classes, rather than a state that is completely subordinate to the people. In this regard, I would say liberals are generally more closely aligned with modern Conservatives than communists or democrats. However, liberals and conservatives differ greatly on matters relating to supposed “natural hierarchies,” like racial or ethnic hierarchies, as well as hierarchies based on gender, sexuality, religion, etc.

    12 days ago

    I mean I don’t think it’s what this guy meant… But he’s kind of right?

    There were Nazi rallies in the United States during World war II. Many US corporations still in operation actively aided the concentration and execution of millions.

    Autocracy is great for corporations. Here’s a neat little list off the top of my head.

    1. GE

    2. IBM

    3. Ford Motor Company

    4. General Motors

    5. ExxonMobil

    6. Coca-Cola

    7. Boeing

    8. Raytheon

    9. Honeywell

    10. Dow Inc.

    11. Dupont

    12. JPMorgan Chase

    13. Citigroup

    14. Halliburton

    15. Goodyear

    16. General Mills

    17. Caterpillar

    18. Revlon

    19. Pfizer

    20. Lockheed Martin

    And many, many more…

    We were definitely not “The Good guys” through and through. We actively aided the bad guys. But I don’t think that’s what this person meant.

      12 days ago

      The appropriate response when a fascist makes a good point is to tell them to fuck off, because they’re going to twist that to fit their bullshit.

        12 days ago

        The appropriate thing when a fascist makes a good point is to find a good rope and a gas station with some good eaves.

    • Flying
      12 days ago

      So who were “the good guys” in World War II in your estimation? Because someone defeated the Nazis and liberated the death camps.

        12 days ago

        Still Trump claim Russia is totally without blame for invading another peaceful country. And Putin is really a nice guy who is just misunderstood.
        So this is perfectly in line with MAGA crazy mental gymnastics.

  • ℍ𝕂-𝟞𝟝
    12 days ago

    To be honest, this is the least unhinged take I’ve heard from a rightwinger.

    All sides committed crimes against humanity in that war. There definitely were no good guys.

    To the tankies, the USSR committed genocides besides the Holodomor, they also massacred the complete intelligentsia of Poland in an effort to break their nation. We will never forget Katyn.

    And to the USians, interning your Japanese citizens counts. Your war crimes got Dönitz acquitted. And why are you still running a gulag in Guantanamo?

    As a European civilian, you certainly had opportunities to die to a Nazi death squad, Red Army rapists or a US terror bombing campaign. Not that many European nations were better.