Yes! Battlefield Earth.
I stayed for the whole movie because I couldn’t believe how bad it was.To me battlefield earth falls under the “so bad it begins to loop back around into Cheesey fun” category.
I especially love how what are essentially cave men find F16 fighter jets from the past and not only do the jets and old fuel work, but the cave men know how to start them and fly them effectively.
L Ron really outdid himself on that gem.
Unpopular opinion, but I left Oppenheimer at the 40 minutes mark. The main character was so unlikable, the movie pretentious, and I hated there was some kind of trial going on, but I had no context. So I left and did something better with my time.
Same. I stopped after about 20 minutes. I love science and know the history, so the art part ended up feeling waaaay too pretentious being dragged out for extra seconds in every damn scene. No wonder the movie’s so long when they’re wanking every scene…
This movie sucked. If they told it in sequential order this movie would have bombed. Showing the scenes out of order made it more interesting than it had any right be
My ex GF made us leave in the middle of LOTR: Return of the King.
She is my ex for unrelated reasons.
I’ve been to movies so terrible I left!
Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan Passage to India One: A Star Wars Story is a masterpiece.
So is Rogue One. This guy has an odd view of what a bad movie is that’s for sure.
I understand the first three, but I have to fundamentally disagree with you as much as humanly possible on Rogue One being terrible. I absolutely respect your right and and opinion to think so, but for me it’s one of the best representations of what Star Wars should be in the space fiction genre.
What was it about Rogue One that bothered you so much that you couldn’t finish?
Cardboard characters, plot holes, and going against everything the original trilogy stood for.
It got on my bad side when they introduced Cassian by having him murder a completely innocent person, something the Empire would do.
Then, later in the film, when it’s his fucking job to assassinate a legitimate military target, he gets all sweaty and - OH - JUST… CAN’T… PULL… THE… TRIGGER… No explanation, no character development… just because… That was when I walked out.
The real reason of course, is more complicated. The original writer/director fucked things up so colossally he was actually removed from the picture and a new guy was brought in to re-write and re-shoot. Cassian’s change in tone was because of the two different creators.
I also found Rogue One incredibly overrated. Nothing that they play up feels earned, and I didn’t get invested at all, possibly for some of the reasons you mentioned.
You are correct and the other person is incorrect. Or possibly trolling.
I didn’t like Rogue One either. 🤷🏻♂️