I’m torn… on the one hand… dangerous invasive species… on the other hand…
I’m torn… on the one hand… dangerous invasive species… on the other hand…
Goes for Raid design too…
Take a group of 6, split into three groups of two.
A, B, and C.
A go to the right, B go to the left, C stay in the center.
Do the thing, then rotate, A to B, B to C, C to A.
Do it again. Rotate again. Do it again. Rotate again.
Damage phase. Repeat until someone screws up and you all die or boss is dead.
The working backwards was interesting, but also fascinating how the ratio of land to sea was so much different at the start.
I didn’t speak up when they came for the journalists, for I was not a journalist…
Removed, celebrating violence.
FEWER. Three fewer terrorists. ;)
Pretty much how I feel. Removing content disrespected the money I spent on the game, sunsetting gear disredpected the time I spent in game.
Though they DID reverse the sunsetting decision after everyone told them it was an awful idea.
Same thing happened to a sitting city council member in Portland, except that story was leaked by the head of the police union.
I dropped it like it was hot when they cut out 1/2 the content I paid for. I might come back if they bring it back.
Nobody uses the phrase “bear witness” that way and rolling it into a racist screed like this earns you a ban.
Report them and we’ll take a look.
“Trump and Vance Have No Plan to Fix One of America’s Biggest Crises”
It’s less of a problem with his insurance than it is therapists and insurance in general.
Removed, civility.
Not really, it’s not their network. No way to prohibit it. All you’d do is plug it into power.
They don’t want you plugging in your own gear to their network, fine.
Get one of the “5G Home Internet” services from T-Mobile or Verizon, plug your router into that.
Not on their network, they have absolutely no say over it.
Tons of rivers and lakes, but you still have to be careful. Generally folks are out on the first hot day of the year and forget the water is still 50°. LOL.
There’s this place called “High Rocks” and every year people are like “Well, start the clock until the first drowning…”
It’s way, way too cold most of the year.
There are also dangers like sneaker logs. I love the coast and visit it when I can, but when you’re a kid growing up here they always teach you “Don’t turn your back to the ocean” because it has no pity and can and will straight up kill you.
"The coastline of Northern California, Oregon and Washington State are steep, tree lined, and have cold to frigid water temperatures. These beaches are quite unlike the flat, broad beaches of Southern California with their inviting warm water temperatures. The steep slopes of the Northwest’s coastlines are much more likely to cause sneaker waves; the trees that line the cliffs can wind up in the swift ocean currents running along the shoreline; while the cold to frigid temperatures, depending on the season, can induce cold water paralysis for anyone caught in these northwestern ocean waters.
While in Southern California people at the beach are in bathing suits or light summer clothes wading and swimming in warm waters with open beaches, in contrast in the North they wear heavier clothes, coats, shoes, and boots due to the cooler temperatures and in autumn and winter those waters are frigid. Encounters with the waves in Southern California, with its warm water temperatures and broad beaches, might simply knock a person over on the beach, but in the North the cold water temperatures could induce cold water paralysis rendering the individual helpless to escape the pull of the receding wave returning to the ocean.
Always respect the ocean on the beaches of the North Coast of California, Oregon, Washington with their steep, rugged tree lined coasts, and frigid ocean temperatures."
Not sure how this is a crime… breach of TOS, sure, but a crime?
What law is being broken here?
If his fake bands are being paid for bot clicks, that’s a problem for the platforms to figure out. They need to examine their TOS.
Colorado age of consent is 17…