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Another week in the books. Let’s chat about manga in the general discussion thread! Feel free to use this thread for questions, comments, recommendations, etc.

Like normal, please be careful with spoilers. I wrote a guide about spoilers in case you need a refresher on how to handle them (also linked in the sidebar).

    9 days ago

    Tried reading Hakutaku, Shonen Jump’s newest thing. A game development manga sounds like a cool idea! Anyways, wow. That was complete shit. Character A (can’t remember her name, doesn’t matter) has been developing games for 3 years instead of going to school. She’s bad at it. Character B (can’t remember his name, doesn’t matter) has been learning to develop games for closer to 3 weeks. He’s somehow, inexplicably good at it. He can program. He can do art. He can do game design. He can do sound. Of course, this is all just stuff we assume he can do since the manga doesn’t show us any of this. It just shows those two teaming up and agreeing to make something together, then BAM! It’s done! Just like that. And everyone loves it. So Character A asks Character B if he wants to make games with her again with her as the producer and marketer and him as the person who does literally everything else. No clue what a producer or marketer even does here, and the manga sure isn’t going to show us. He agrees, and BAM! They made a fun game again. Completely off-screen. I’m dropping this. It already occupied too much of my time at 3 chapters; aint no way I’m giving it more.