Test results still not back. 🤬🤬🤬Rash is spreading all over arms and legs, my butt, neck, and has just shown an interest in my left boob. I feel utterly miserable about it. My MIL (who’s had her share of skin issues) says, “Oh I always get my results back 24, 48 hours at the most. But then I’ve had my tests done by the specialists.” Yeah alright miss smarty pants private health cover part pension, you’re not helping.
They are growing the bacteria and I guess they want to be thorough so that will take days. Way longer than blood tests. Fingers crossed you find something with an easy fix!
Thankyou, that’s a good explanation. The thought that they have to deliberately grow this thing makes my skin crawl even more! And thankyou again, I’ll give them a call.
exactly, it’s completely different and takes time
In the interim is there anything that might sooth the symptoms?
Do antihistamines help any with this?
I wouldn’t listen to your MIL, don’t need her 2 cents about her experience and how lightning fast things are. Doesn’t help you in the slightest.
I’m just about to try some antihistamines. And thankyou re MIL, she can talk underwater with a mouth full of marbles
I really hope you feel better soon and ca. get to the bottom of whatever is causing the problems.
I suffer from skin conditions as well though I hide them but some days it can be painful and it just saps the energy away from you.
just rest , so many gentle hugs
Thankyou Seagoon 💜
Rough. I hope you get your results soon. Can you call the path lab?
I’ll call them soon, I just went out to buy antihistamines and soft cotton top which covers ugly throat rash.
good luck!!!
stupid rash stay in your lane
That’s what I thought too! Stay away from the bosom!
hugs Hang in there.
Is anything topical working for you?
Calmoseptine. And calamine lotion but I’ve had to use lots. Anything else just seems to feed it shudders
Not sure if it’s suitable, but I’ve found Dermaid to be helpful if you haven’t already tried it. It’s a bit thicker, but given the size of the tube, it might not be cost-effective.
Do you have any anti-itch cream available? I’ve found that plain vaseline can help with mystery rashes, helps stop the itches. Not a cure, not even close, but may help with symptoms until you get your results. Sending some healing vibes through the aether.
Thankyou, I’ve Calmoseptine and calamine lotion. Everything else just seems to feed it. Ugh!
regardless what it is, rest and relieve your symptoms
so many hugs and I hope all the peelers are looking after you
I’m sorry, that sucks. I had pityriasis rosea or some such, I’m hoping it’s just a reaction to a virus and nothing more serious 🤞
I have had impetigo and Betadine helped. They sell bulk bottles so if you receive advice to use it you could decant some into a disposable container and use a sponge or paper towel to dab over large areas.
I also potentially have mast cell flares = rashes so hopefully antihistamines can help you short term if it’s that (consider getting checked for that or allergies)
Chemists sell Savlon, and chlorhexidine wash which may help prevent it spreading to others if it is impetigo or bacterial/fungal - but ask a doctor or nurse on call first as I’m not a doctor. The chlorhexidine is apparently a preventative only.
While you wait - One thing I found is if you absolutely can’t resist scratching and are going mad, then just to very lightly and carefully ‘slap’ the itchy spots - or more like quickly and lightly pat or tap it with an open hand or fingertips. Even better do it right next to it on healthy skin. It distracts from the itchy sensation without causing as much irritation as scratching.
However if it’s likely to be impetigo or the skin is in any way compromised ie. fragile, damaged, weeping, or infectious - don’t do this. Don’t touch it.
Come on test results!
Thankyou Melba 💜
My God Melba, that Pityriasis Rosea looks uncannily like what I’ve got! We’re the sores weepy at all?
I’m sorry I don’t really remember
I saw it first on my torso and then I noticed it was on my back too, it moved out to my upper arms and thighs and then spread up the front of my throat
This started on my upper arms and thighs and has suddenly and rapidly spread to the rest of the limbs, spread to my back and left boob and bottom, and up the front of my throat. I’d not heard of it before so I googled it and was shocked at how uncannily like my rash it is. I showed Mr P who said it basically looks exactly like it. I’ve got my specialist appointment on Thursday, so it’ll be interesting what they say. Looking into it though, there are a lot of similarities regarding the circumstances. I’ve been exposed to a lot of viruses in the past few months including covid, and I’ve been under a lot of stress for a prolonged period of time. I had wondered how I can look like I’ve got 3 different types of rashes all at the same time on different parts of my body, which is what pictures I saw looks like on people; there’s the ones that look like circles (arms, legs and butt, that the other rashes seem to spread nearby from) the ones that look like flattish raised bumps (throat and some on legs) and the ones that look like a bright red prickle rash (rapidly spreading everywhere else there isn’t already a rash, filling in the spaces like I’m being coloured in lol).
That might make sense as a viral reaction then. Definitely do make sure it isn’t anything infectious or serious though, I Am Not A Doctor.
Mine was the classic ‘Christmas tree’ pattern and looked like this on my front. More central spreading out. But I did see pics of others where it was focused and severe on their upper arms.
As a rough idea:
Pic of rash off the net
Rash pic off the net
It did recur for me a second time, much milder and confined to my back.
I still do get hives on my face, arms and lower legs. (Small hard white bumps that then swell up into areas of diffuse red puffiness.) That is a completely different thing and more likely from stress, allergies/contact dermatitis or MCAS
Mine are like this, with the herald rashes in the centre of further outbreaks
With the last one being how it looked in the very beginning. But I’m just waiting to see the specialist on this Thursday. Never seen a skin specialist before. My health problems have been mostly mental rather than physical lol.
Yeah, I apparently had a herald patch on my back that I hadn’t seen. That is how it starts. The herald patch is the single patch that appears before the general fine rash comes up. So if you had something like that at the start that tracks.
The timing too. (More common in Autumn and Spring. More common in women.)
The fine rash does apparently change to those more circular patches in the next stage. (I don’t remember mine doing that but it was a while back.)
It can definitely spread to upper arms and thighs.
I’m really hoping that’s what this is because it isn’t highly contagious, usually resolves by itself in a few months, and usually doesn’t recur.
I was given cortisone cream to help soothe it but for some reason cortisone cream burns my skin so I just let it resolve on its own. Plain moisturiser might also help if it is this. Avoiding soap is also recommended as it might irritate, and maybe also don’t shower too hot.
Definitely make sure it isn’t something else that is infected, contagious or does need treatment though! And there are some things cortisone cream or moisturiser should not be applied to so definitely check with a professional first.
So. I grabbed a ps5 the other day. I got it running to install everything etc.
I have not touched it since as it’s been work nights. I don’t game on work nights.
Tonight however, is FINALLY TIME TO PLAY!!! Fuuuuuuck yes.
what are you playing
I grabbed final fantasy rebirth, cult of the lamb and Alan wake 2.
I played the first final fantasy 7 remake on ps4 so keen to see what this new one is like.
Cult of the lamb is fucking awesome, played it a bit on pc.
And alan wake 2 looked awesome so keen to see what its like.
What do you play?
Witcher 3 over and over again
I tried to get into it so many times but the combat feels odd to me.
I’m bad at games and died a lot, the auto-save point being before all the dialogue made for a super annoying, short-lived attempt at that game
I did the intro like, 4 times over the years and just couldn’t get into it.
Cyberpunk 2077 on the other hand, is a whole different story. That game pushed every dopamine receptor I had to the limit lol
FFVII Rebirth is sooooo damn pretty. I haven’t finished it, but I adore it. Part of me still wishes they just did FVII OG scene for scene but with better graphics, but then I come across stuff like the Bow Wow Wow song and everything is great.
I can’t wait. I haven’t watched any reviews or seen any trailers etc. I wanted to experience without any preconceptions.
I can’t wait to hear what you think!!
I’ve been wondering about cult of the lamb. Wasn’t quite sure on it but it keeps me looking at it from time to time.
It sooooo much fun. Seriously. And I don’t usually play those sorts of games.
Decided to go to the gym to get rid of my “dickhead at work is screwing up my projects” gunk out of my system.
Then I can hopefully relax.
Edit: much better.
Oh we’re back
World Pasta Day today. Grazie. 🍝
Extremely important information.
If you open your food truck you can say “Only the pasta today, no”.
Yesssss, thank you for pointing this out!!
Sì, buon punto! Come festeggerai? Che pasta mangerai?
Uno, due, lipa, quattro, cinque…
Allora è tutta pasta!
Congratulazioni!! 🍝 🍾
I choose.Orecchiette
Love me linguine, but kind of obsessed with curly fettuccine or mafaldine.
I’m having pasta again tonight!
I love tortellini and ravioli. Haven’t had them in ages.
Anyway have to decide what sort of pasta I want to cook tonight.
The belly buttons! (tortellini)
Just wanted to say, so glad you are back. It was very super weird without you. ✨
thank you so much 😭😘
Fat cat has decided that my feet are tonight’s headrest.
Looks like I’m sleeping on the couch.
RIP 🪦 my back I guess.
I got paid all my leave. I thought I wouldn’t get it because I was terminated, but it’s all there. Trying to keep my leave was one of the main reasons I was trying to make my old job work, and I thought it would be a loss I’d just have to eat moving into the new role.
But I got it. I’m going to hold onto it because I probably won’t get paid over Christmas, so I can hold onto the leave pay I’d have to use then anyway.
Maybe you always get your leave, because you’ve technically already earned it. I thought it didn’t get paid out if you got terminated
Doesn’t matter the reason for your termination, you always get your annual leave paid out. Did they ask you not to work out your notice period? Because then you should get that paid out too on top of leave, depends on why you were terminated though. Check Fair Work website to make sure you got paid everything you are entitled to.
Yeah, I knew I was at least getting two weeks pay. I’ll be checking the fair work website but initial vibes are I got everything I was entitled to
Your annual leave is always yours, it’s banked and money owed to you. Sick leave isn’t paid out though so always always use 100% of it when leaving a company.
Just curious but do you get redundancy pay in this case as well?
No, this wasn’t a redundancy. This was a performance based termination
Home time!
Pizza is on its way, snacks have been purchased, extra cat treats so I won’t be hassled for my pizza.
Let’s see if the ps5 was worth it.
We’re on the same wavelength today.
I bought some fresh pizzas and some extra ingredients to add to them to make them stacked.
Going to be good eating over the next few days.
Enjoy your ps5!
Thank you! I look forward to the break from reality for a while lol
My back is acting up. And the Coffee I bought was a shot short. Therefore, it had too much milk and was lukewarm.
This has not been a great morning. 😞
Sounds like you need a reset.
I have no idea what that would even look like. 😀
For me, a one hour nap usually does it.
Ok, that sounds fairly attainable - just not while I’m at work.
Awww I hate a bad coffee :(
Maybe a heat pack might help your back today.
Hope your day gets better.
A heat pack sounds nice. Unfortunately I am in the office and there is no heat pack here.
Sore back from carrying Seagoon all the way back here. What can we do to help?
Not at all. I merely helped her make her own way back.
now I’m embarrassed
I don’t mean your fat haha
I didn’t think you did but why did your mind go there, eh, eh,
Sadly I am a bit tubby
It’s just so many people went to a lot of effort to help me get back here and I am so grateful. 😭
I’ve got the day off. So far I’ve contacted Elder’s ex school about emptying his old locker so I can sell the books and waiting for a call back. Twiddles thumbs Made and drank a couple of coffees. Looked at a website of clothing that I absolutely fell in love with, but it turns out they’re unreliable and the clothing is not up to scratch. Devo’d as it was totally my style 😭 (It was Airpears Japanese ocean art style clothing, not so much the dresses but the shirts, pants and men’s hooded fleece jackets that I loved).
Cheers your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies, gentlemen and bald headed babies. 🍺
I am scared of horses. Fuck this thread.
Hay. No need to be scared
jeez I wouldn’t want them as neighhhh-bours.
Pretty lame joke there stud.
Hate it when people cry foal over a stable pun. Glad council elections are over I wouldn’t vote for you as mare.
Whoa. Straight out of the starting gate you’ve gone for the knackers.
Think about what you just did.
2 to 1 I upset you. Sorry 🐴
They’re alright until they kick you in the sternum.
Cheers CEO! 🍻
Also, fun fact of the day - beer is an old-timey treatment for colic in horses
And it works. Gotta be warm and flat though.
Interesting. Cheers🍺
good beer is a pure herbal drink 🍺
Cheers 🍻
lol what the fuck haha. I just saw this. What’s the horse connection?
Search for Willem da foe penis if ya wanna know
Ah right. I don’t have to search. I forgot he was a tripod. allegedly.
Horsecock Dafoe is what called him down at the convent.
Why are you doxing yourself like this?
As Peter garrett once said “You don’t want to spend your life explaining yourself.”.
oh we’re on horsies
eyy peter garrett
Cheers with my lethal coffee!
How’s AZ working today for you guys?
All good now.
Yesterday I got a SSL handshake fail which I translated as a Silly Sausage Limp handshake but I am really curious what that actually means.
Secure Sockets Layer. Used to encrypt traffic on the internet. Neeeeerd
Thank you kindly 👍
If you’re super curious Google transport later security (TLS), the modern incarnation. Used practically everywhere on the internet, whether users realize it or not 😀
Has been some down periods, mainly this morning
Yeah, oops. But since this morning?
Couple times I’ve checked while working it was down but mainly up
It’s ok now but nothing was loading this morning.
I love my sister dearly, I really do but when she has shower thoughts while on the phone to me, it takes alot of courage to not go yep, yep, yep, yep so I pepper my responses with right, ah ha, mmm, yes.
Bring on beer o’clock.
Nearly there.
One cat dog two cat dog three cat dog…
One beer, two wine, three coffee….
I think I may have just secured a GA ticket to Pearl Jam… Say what you will, but they are a seminal band for me. Many core memories burned into my soul.
This version of Ledbetter was on a complication album I had of the Tibetan Freedom Concert from 94 (?)… All that’s missing is the we are the mighty mighty bosstones as the track ran into the next one. Ha.
I’m taking my son to one of the shows. It’s his first concert, and he loves PJ.
It’s my first concert in about 18 years. The last one being, Pearl Jam in 06.
My friends went to that '06 show. I don’t even care which show you went to, my friends toured Australia and went to them all. That was before that got married and had kids, of course. 😆
I saw them open for G&R in must have been 93. Only time a noise ordinance was taken seriously.
Nice! I’m hoping to be there Monday.
I think that’s the day we’re going. I hope it’s a good one.
Hope you enjoy the show if you’re there tonight! 🤙🤘
I was and it was amazing!!!
Likewise if you went
Nice. I was lucky to see them in 95 with Mudhoney opening. Great show but stinking hot in the venue.
Oh, I would give something to hear Black live.
Hard though, Ten was very much the pinnacle for me.
Same. Loved that album. Wish I still had the CD with all the pictures.
TEN was my first cd purchase.
It’s just so good. It feels transportive (is that a word?) whenever I put it on.
Aaaaand now I’m going to go for a walk and listen to it lol
This week I have partaken in some obsessive Spring cleaning. This included doorframes and fly screens.
Still plugging away towards SDC (aka Swedish Death Cleaning). Very mixed feelings about it. Also Llab has become even more like a mix between mecurial Melbourne weather and a Cure album (Wild Mood Swings should about sum it up). It’s just almost like an OOB experience.
Like being super cognisant of highs and lows. The promise of two good days of weather boosted me so much that I actually thought I was going a bit batty and the snap change… oof… Bon voyage, motivation.
How us Melbournites survive, I really don’t know. It’s a bit of a mystery. Haha.
I’ve got a heap of decluttering to do and read the SDC book (among other things). It’s good, but I found it a bit hard to think about the reality of what it presents, if you know what I mean?
100%. It can be confronting.