He also called him a whiner during their debate and I loved it.
Yes, the deplorables angle worked so damn well last time…
Edit: surprise, trump’s campaigning on it and thr White House is falling down desperately trying to apologize/spin it.
And just like that, the spotlight is exactly where trump fucking wants it.
Do you think that cost a single vote? I don’t. They were and are deplorable. They are filth for hating immigrants in a country built by immigrants. For oppressing women while needing them to stop the fictional “great replacement”. For pretending to care about LGBTQ+ people while voting to take away their rights. For acting like they are “pro-life” while actively harming the lives of children by burning their books, taking away their school lunches, locking the brown ones in cages, taking away food and assistance from the most vulnerable Americans, and locking the rest in for-profit prisons. For devastating the environment we all depend on for the benefit of the richest people on the planet.
Don’t believe me, look it up! This is Trump and Project 2024’s dream and they are committed to making it happen. Please make sure you, your friends, and family have a plan to vote, volunteer and donate.
I wouldn’t say it cost any votes, but it seemed to rile them up more
Which makes them more likely to vote…
I love there were 2 sentences respond ling to the point and then a diatribe about the other side is evil.
I’m not arguing the merits of maga. What I’m saying is pretty simple, if you were on the fence or say, one of the (I think it’s quarter-ish?) of Latinos supporting trump who was maybe repelled by that comedian, Biden just went and called you the same damn thing. And he’s the president, not a warm up act amidst a dozen or whatever speakers.
What I’m saying is pretty simple, if you were on the fence or say, one of the (I think it’s quarter-ish?) of Latinos supporting trump who was maybe repelled by that comedian, Biden just went and called you the same damn thing.
Being Latino is not a choice. Supporting Trump is. Criticize people for their shitty choices all day long.
I think you’re maybe misreading the point? Calling trump supporters garbage alienates those people who are in the middle (who clearly exist as evidenced by the polling swings over the last few months.)
I’d rather we do whatever to win every possible vote instead of pointlessly/counter-productively namecalling from the moral highground but maybe that’s just me.
That’s totally fair.
I was kind of pointing more toward the “Biden did the same thing,” when he didn’t, because of the whole “not a choice vs choice” thing. And sometimes (often, if I’m being honest) I find myself getting tired of shitty people being able to do and say shitty things and somehow it’s rude to call it out.
Totally reasonable.
And sometimes (often, if I’m being honest) I find myself getting tired of shitty people being able to do and say shitty things and somehow it’s rude to call it out.
Fully agree. It’s goddamn exhausting trying to be the good guys. Feels.like the other side gets to cheat, like the villains throwing civilians in harms way so the heroes have to save them etc.
But the older I get and the more concerned about the world we’re leaving for my friends’ kids, the more I care about winning elections instead of feeling smugly superior. (I said, while being smugly superior at people on my side whom I feel are being childish and/or counter-productive.)
If they’re Trump supporters to the point where they’ve adopted it as party of their identity, they’re not in the middle. A wishy-washy independent or a conservative fed up with MAGA but not sure if they’re ready to be a Democrat isn’t going to take that personally.
I don’t think it has to be a part of their identity. I don’t love the last party I just voted for. But if one of the parties vying for my vote calls supporters of that party garbage, I’m less inclined to listen to them.
Someone fed up with maga knows probably has a lot of trump supporting friends, family, church community etc whom they probably don’t appreciate being called garbage.
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They had one pithy sentence, and even you said I responded with double that! What kind of standard is that!? The rest of your comment is just nonsense and not worth anyone’s time.
I’m guessing people don’t often choose to converse with you…
Are you maybe responding to a different comment? Or who is the they with the pithy sentence?
The deplorables comment absolutely cost her the election. It energized trump supporters while likely demoralizing moderate democratic voters. Attacking the people, even the ones that will never support you, is a poor strategy in a democracy.
And taking the high road has worked so well too.
We won 2018, 2020, 2022 mostly on the highground.
Pretty decent (couldn’t resist) track record.
Double the fuck down on it. They’re nazis. Fuck em.
Jesus. Out curiosity, what percentage of his supporters would you feel comfortable calling nazis?
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If there are 10 people at a table with a Nazi, etc.
I don’t call them Nazis. I call them monsters. Every single one of them. Got some Nazis in there too of course, but monsters are what they all are.
Harris is calling for unity and is on the ballot. Biden is not and can play the Bad Cop and call it like it is.
If they’re offended they’re likely not and were not going to vote Harris. If they aren’t then they’re admitting they’re not a Donny supporter.
I see win-win here. Maginalize the zealots that laughed when Americans were called garbage and ahow some saltiness to those sick of passivity.
Yayyy good job Biden.
Ha ha ha. Nice one.
If only he has said “his enablers” not supporters. Sigh
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