China appears to have built a new and unusual aircraft carrier, intriguing experts with a potentially first-of-its-kind vessel that could further increase Beijing’s rapidly expanding maritime power.
A drone carrier? Surprised we haven’t seen them yet, could imagine a ship could rock up and launch thousands of them.
MV Ocean Trader
Whats the catamaran for?
No idea unfortunately.
Who says this isn’t just one giant inflatable bouncy station?
The Chinese are not stupid and know that other nations would be taking satellite photos, so one of the possible explanations is the Chinese just trolling everyone with a satellite camera.
Maybe it’s just a hull and they build the real ship inside the ship?
Who cares?
Anyone affected by the geopolitics of global superpowers?
Someone point out for me what I’m supposed to be looking at in the picture, because I don’t see it, and I skimmed the article but didn’t see anything helpful
The ship that’s half grey half yellowish in the top part of the rectangular harbour.
It’s interesting because it’s a flat-top like a carrier but much too small to be one.
Right in the center is a long, grey/tan aircraft carrier-shaped ship.