Wanna help #PeerTube?
We need tests and feedbacks on our future mobile app!Whether on iOS, Play Store or with an apk, download our test version and share your feedback on here: https://framaforms.org/peertube-mobile-application-release-candidate-1731599644
You have until dec. 8th to share, test and help us have a great release!
(Please keep in mind this not the final version of the PeerTube Mobile app, we have lots of udpdates and improvements planned ;)
No F-droid?
Link for iPhone users to get peertube beta https://testflight.apple.com/join/62UabDFz
I love Peertube, but I don’t think I’ll really be able to test the app properly until my subscriptions are showing
Same here. I hope they’ll add custom instances and login soon. I’ll keep it installed though.
Been waiting forever for this! Seems pretty smooth so far. I hope account login comes sooner than later.
f-droid repo please?
edit: also the feedback forms seems to be broken, the buttons on page 2 do not progress to page 3 but only reset the form back to page 1…
Testers needed for the feedback form as well.
The day has come!
We can now watch videos on an open source platform on the go!
I can’t wait to be using this app on PostmarketOS!