finished epilating them today! it still hurt a lot but i think because i finished the other leg first i got accustomed to pushing through the pain so i got done quicker
also this is showing off a lot of thigh, idk if it’ll get removed or not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
“Holy shit this femboy has great legs” said I to my wife.❤️
I bought an Epilation device a few days ago, and it’s just been sitting there. On the one hand, I hate my body hair, on the other hand, pain.
Is it your first time epilating? How was the pain, relating to that (hypothetical) first time?
I’m asking because, after some (read: many, many) times, plucking my eyebrows has just completely 100% stopped hurting. Could epilating be kinda the same?
this was my first time! i did one leg a few nights ago and finished the other leg today. the first leg was crazy painful, took me hours, working up the nerve to press on after each pass. the other leg went a bit quicker; by then i was mentally used to the pain so i was able to go quicker. allegedly the first time epilating is the worst, but then your skin physically grows accustomed to the sensation so the next time you do it, it won’t hurt as much. i can’t verify that yet tho lmao
re: the eyebrow thing, yeah ive had my eyebrows plucked once a long time ago, and it hurt so much i couldn’t stop tearing up. i haven’t done it since then though so i genuinely can’t tell (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
edit: for reference i used the Braun silk épil 9 epilator. comes with 2 speeds and 3 attachments: a massage roller cap, a skin close cap, and a trimmer/shaver head. the massage head i used for the most part since it is a little more comfortable, but after i went back over with the skin close cap to get everything i missed or couldn’t see.
You look amazing, I might try that :3
beware! curious stranger, this method will produce fabulous results, but at great cost. enduring the pain will require a mental fortitude like no other, art thou ready for such an endeavor?
I have severe gender dysphoria and depression, pain doesnt matter to me at this point and if it looks anywhere near as good as you I would bear all of the pain in the world
ah ok i gotcha. sorry for making light of things earlier i didn’t know how much this meant to you. yeah my legs are hella smooth now an i’m loving it a lot, but a really close shave with a safety razor gets me similar results! only real difference is that the hair grows back much sooner than with epilating. if you do decide to epilate i wish you the best of luck, but if you want a more pain free method of smoof legs, shaving (specifically with a safety razor! or maybe a straight blade if you own and know how to use one) can get you there, you just gotta do it more often.