Do you agree with this or not?

    3 months ago

    it is up to the court to decide.

    This isn’t a simple thing as you are implying though. That’s the point I’m making. Your “solutions” are more like wishes in an ideal world. They aren’t workable and would add massively to the overstretched resources.

    there is no link between paying taxes and right to vote. People on benefits have right to vote and taxes paying migrants do not

    These are the exceptions. What do you think I mean when I say the social contract? Why would you live and pay into a society… and by pay that could be taxes if you can afford them or in other ways if not… if you get nothing out of it? The government is just seizing your money for what? And you suggest to just band or ostracise people at a whim? Again, unworkable.

    Imagine being told that you’re not allowed to vote because you don’t think the same way as someone else. Madness. Absolute madness.