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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Don’t forget that the south was trying to force the north ro send back escaped slaves, depite the north using their states rights to say no. The south would also send Bounty hunters to go kidnap free born black people to sell into slavery. So yeah, states rights was an issue. The right to identify people as human.

    But let’s not also forget that the confederate constitution had a passage that says that there will not be any laws capable of being passed that infringe on the right to own black people

    Article I Section 9(4) No bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed

  • There was only one dev for the original project, but he went by two names. (If someone else had taken up the work I don’t know, I got a steam deck and do all my emulation on that)

    Stenzek was his original username, he changed it to Tahlreth to get away from his reputation. He had previously abandoned another project due to harassment that turned out to be over blown. He claimed people were stealing his code and could never prove it and claimed harassment and abandoned his project. Was also a dick to people and was banned from forums for his tone.

    Pretty much as soon as I joined this discord he was a dick and claiming harassment, and at the time I didn’t even know it was the same person. I found out later, not too long before he quit this one.

    And after he quit Aether he sabotaged the last build he uploaded by making it run worse and putting ads in it.

    “If everywhere you go smells like shit, check your shoe”, honestly. Rude, crying all the time, claiming harassment, claiming theft of code, making up and then deleting death threats, etc. Several years of history of just horrible behavior

  • The dev was a toxic person who had mental health issues. Not the first time they freaked out and claimed they were being targeted for harassment and throwing a hissy fit and leaving while being a toxic turd to so many people along the way

    Told people to kill themselves for asking questions and actually got caught making up “evidence of targeted harassment” it was a pretty big issue in the community at the time. He made up death threats. For attention.

    At first people were sympathetic until we learned this isn’t the first time this dev has done this

    You can also find links to screen caps of how he was an asshole all of the time in his discord, banning people left and right for asinine reasons

  • I was never a participant in the discord only a passive observer who was their for the downloads section. If you were there you’d understand exactly what I was talking about.

    They would say very hateful things to some users just for asking questions and on multiple occasions told people to kill themselves just for, get this, asking questions.

    Amd it turned out that much of the harassment was faked by the dev, yes actually faked by a person for attention. It was a big controversy in the community at the time

  • I mean

    There was this whole thing called the Soviet Union then there was like a missile crisis

    And there was like a group that called themselves National Socialists and they did a genocide and tried to take over a bunch of land by force

    We also had to fight a bunch of talking trees that dug tunnels because military industrial complex and heroin

    It’s definitely many layers of propaganda but as an American I definitely understand WHERE it comes from, I understand why most people here flinch at the word.

    You also gotta understand we had multiple generations in a row huffing lead gasoline so while younger millennials aren’t impacted as bad, MOST Americans are legitimately lead brained.

  • I find the internet is super good at locking people into echo chambers. For some reason, I feel especially keen on this when I was super into reddit over the last decade. I could FEEL just how a community would shift into just saying the same 10 things on repeat and any deviation would result in downvotes and messages in my inbox.

    But it’s not just reddit. Modern video feed algorithms and other social media just need to feed you the same stuff you’ve engaged with previously.

    So what ends up happening is young boys only see the videos of angry purple haired stereotype liberal feminist first year college student get SLAMMED/DESTROYED by Ben Shapiro or Jordan Peterson or a woman who is clearly saying something sarcastic with sad sigma male music in the background and all the comments are calling for her to be put in prison or death.

    And that’s not to say people don’t experience these types IRL and it morphs their opinions, my sister is this stereotype and is pretty fucking stupid and she will get into heated debates on Facebook about stuff she has no idea about. She’ll read a headline and form a whole mindset of bullshit around it and never verify if it was just a click bait article posted to Facebook to get ad revenue with no concept of journalist integrity. It’s really difficult talking to her about anything political because even though I’m pretty liberal/progressive myself, she’ll just say things that are factually wrong and when I try to talk to her about it she takes it as me disagreeing and won’t listen to reason or logic outside of her preconceived image of reality. Very difficult person

    I often have to look at her and remind myself that people like her are a very small portion of the population and aren’t really indicative of the masses.