I enjoyed this because it took me a second to think what a not-dried prune is: a plum.
I enjoyed this because it took me a second to think what a not-dried prune is: a plum.
School shootings are just a matter of course now, they’re not even newsworthy anymore unless there’s an Uvalde-level of utter incompetence involved. And even then, what happened? Nothing, nothing happened to the cowards who were complicit and accomplices to the murder of children by actively preventing people from around the killer. We’re told to get over it.
So, you know, if I had to choose between school children being murdered as a matter of course and evil profiteers who revel and flourish on the pain and suffering of everyday people being murdered as a matter of course, I’d definitely chose the latter. I wouldn’t then tell people to get over it, I’d tell people the system obviously need to be dismantled and rebuilt entirely.
My real preference would be that there are no evil profiteers who revel and flourish on the pain and suffering and that systems be functioning for the people in the first place, but unfortunately that’s not an option.
How deeply disappointing. Yes, Nana will make money from sales, but it’s so clearly not about money. The idea of women viewing other women as competition is just another thing that keeps women down. This reflects so poorly on Sirtis, especially since she could have so much to say about how Troi’s character was treated and eventually became (a little) more than just feelings.
Perhaps someone can help me understand the difference between an anthropromorphic animal mascot (which as a tale as old as time) and a furry? When does one cease to be one and becomes another?
There are animal mascots all the time in sports. Why is that not weird, but it’s weird to have a sporty animal mascot for coins?
I feel this so much. I got into stamp collecting, and I totally enjoy stamps and mail and all, but (old) people are so pretentious about it. The worst are the total hypocrites about it, too.
"I got into stamps when I was young, but I stopped when I went to university/started working/had a family because I didn’t have time for it, and came back to it after I retired.
"Philately is supposed to be academic and scholarly. You’re not a real philatelist if you’re not doing original research.
"Young people just don’t have the patience for stamps!
“The hobby is dying, why don’t young people want to collect stamps anymore??”
Actually, a lot of people do and share lots of stuff online (where the old people are not seeing it and thus is not happening). We’re just not writing 16-page papers about them (which is the standard a expected thing to do in “philately”).
Looks like it’s time for sign language to rise. Are the Taliban going to say that women can’t move their hands? (How will they serve their masters men otherwise?)
Let’s be honest, most people who learn Tai chi as an exercise also don’t realize that it’s joint locks and throws.
The thing that I can’t understand about this product is why they didn’t cover the function keys. They are literally functional.
Don’t take it personally, applying for a job is a game of chance as much as a game of merits. It’s simply a numbers game and luck whether your resume even gets looked at in the first place, even if you’re résumé how all their keywords. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of other resumes also hit their keywords.
If you’re lucky enough to get through the first sifting and get an interview with the hiring person (not an HR screener who doesn’t know anything about the job), then you can ask and maybe get a response on how you could have improved. (Don’t ask why you weren’t hired.)
goes by Robert
I’m sorry, I think you just short circuited my brain. JK Rowling, who has so publicly and venomously been anti-trans… has spent the last few years pretending to be a man??? What in the hypocrisy is wrong with her!!!
And now that you mention it, I’d read a long time ago, before she became public with her TERF-ness, that she went by “J K” on the HP books instead of Joanne because she or the publishers didn’t want to discourage boys from picking up a book written by a woman. And now that I’m typing this, I realize the fact that she wrote her books from a boy’s perspective, too. So in all these examples, she’s inhabiting a male persona.
My brain… can list these facts, but cannot compute them together.
You can download Signal APK directly from their website.
In some different countries, WhatsApp is how people conduct business. I am anti WhatsApp in my regular life, but I used it with a VOIP number when I was traveling abroad.
It’s one thing to tell your friends and family you use Signal, you can’t tell literally every business. Well, you can, they just won’t to do business with you.
I miss flip phones for similar reasons. I loved flicking them open and snapping them shut.
Duolingo does have that function. It’s much more obvious on desktop web, but in the phone app, you tap the notebook icons to the right of the headings. I mean, they’re not necessarily excellent explanations, but they’re there.
I’ll have you know that Queen Elizabeth and her father were both stamp collectors! Really, there’s really a royal stamp collection and its considered (likely) the best (the wisest in breath) in the world.
They’ll simply ask for it and people will give it in order to keep using the platform.
Google Ads asked me (a private individual) to provide my drivers license or passport in order to verify an organization’s Google Ads account, or else the account will be suspended. I understand verifying the organization via governed registration records, that makes sense. But requiring an emoloyee or volunteer’s passport?
The account is just going to get suspended.
I signed up for a Google Ads account for a non-profit I volunteer with. I had to verify the organization with governing documents, okay, fair enough. They also “require” my drivers license or passport. Excuse me? We will no longer have a Google Ads account after Sept 15 (the cut off to verify my identity).
Mariner even gestured to the facial Scar and outlined the shape of the chair with her hands.
30C at ground level is not 30C on the 10th or even 5th floor. The differences in temperature as you go higher are very noticeable. Plus, a lot of condos have large glass walls most of which are not open-able windows. Units are effectively greenhouses with no ventilation.