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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • Even if we don’t cause our own extinction, the sun is getting hotter as it ages and in approximately 1 billion years it will have gotten hot enough to render Earth uninhabitable for life as we know it.

    Then, 3-4 billion years after that, it’ll finish the job by most likely swallowing up 3 of the inner planets when it reaches the red giant phase of its life. Even the corpse of Earth will die.

  • Tbh this is what I hate most about Lemmy. Easy to recognise certain usernames cause they’re either dumb af or constantly an asshole. Hell I’ve been pretty negative with my posting the last few weeks and I’m sure there are some that might recognise my name for being an asshole one too many times, which is fair.

    Sure I could block them but that would just make the echo chamber even worse, and this place is already worse than reddit for that IMO.

  • Where’s the line? Should normal people also not be able to have German Shepard’s since they’re also dangerous if not raised properly? I had a GS in the past and she was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, amazing and funny personality and insanely loveable. But that’s because she was brought up in a house where she was treated right and raised right.

    Blame the dumbass owners not the dogs themselves ffs. Just because you or someone else is scared of certain dogs doesn’t mean they should be blanket banned for everyone.