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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • That’s not really the point. Innocent people have the right to not have their things searched and dug through. Every person has some level of privacy that they want to keep. Let’s say you have nudes from your significant other and yourself all over your phone. You don’t want that information being seen by anyone else because it was meant for you and you alone. I guarantee your partner doesn’t want random people seeing them either.

    It is well known there have been bad actors in the IT and police that will make copies of that for their own personal use while they are supposed to be doing something else. Would really want to risk that?

  • Let me clarify, legally speaking you do, but I am not arguing that. Practically speaking, that device can become fort Knox with a properly configured phone. Use a custom android ROM like grapheneOS and not use any services that can/will give you access to the content on your phone and that phone is practically useless to them. Even with a warrant, you aren’t beating today’s privacy and security practices without a major security flaw. If a person doesn’t want you to know what they have, they don’t have to give you anything.

    Will their be consequences? Probably, but that may or may not be worth it to you if you are a privacy activist who doesn’t want to be incriminated on a legally but not moral basis. Or you could be a criminal with something you really want to hide. Doesn’t really matter in the end.

  • If it makes you feel better, you would be long dead before you ever hit the ground. Jumping from that point, you would still be in an ever so slightly declining orbit around earth. I am not sure how long it would take you to reenter but you would have died from the lack oxygen long before then. When you do get there, you will most likely burn up in the atmosphere spreading your ashes over whatever continent or ocean happens to be below you at the time. A great way in my opinion to do cremations with maximum spread.