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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • I have seen Nix come up quite a bit and have been tempted to try it. I’ve rolled with Arch before so I was considering going back to it but maybe something new be go.

    The OS itself I don’t back up outside of mirroring. I run an immutable OS (every reboot is like a fresh install). I can redeploy from git so no need to backup. I have some persistent BTRFS volumes mounted where logs, caches, and state go. Don’t backup, but I swap the volume every boot and keep the last 30 days of volumes or a min of at least 10 for debugging.

    Something like this has always interested me. I remember reading about doing similar with Windows. Not so much it being immutable so much as having a decent starting image that you load on any device you want with all your programs ready to go.

    Runs Arrs, Jellyfin, Monero node, Tor entry node, wireguard VPN (to get into network from remote), I2C, Mullvad VPN (default), Proton VPN (torrents with port forwarding use this), DNS (forced over VPN using DoT), PiHole in front of that, three of my WiFi vlans route through either Mulvad, I2C, or Tor. I’ll use TailsOS for anything sensitive. WiFi is just to get to I2C or Onion sites where I’m not worried about my device possibly leaking identity.

    Do you have a guide or ten you used for all this perchance? Unraid has stuff like trashguides and space invader one. Especially the DNS part onwards? If not it’s cool I have Mullvad set up and Pihole with my current setup so I’ll be able to work it out. This is all very compelling for me to try out (I should really have learned about wireguard by now). Thanks a lot for such an interesting and informative write up!

  • For entry homelab stuff I still think it’s great. Literally just smacked it into an old HP server (now my cannibalised gaming builds) and it was good to go. However I was pretty inexperienced then (hence why I think I may have borked something fundamentally). Now days I’m more comfortable which getting under the hood hence looking for alternative. Definitely would still suggest Unraid to some though.

    I was tempted to do something like an Ubuntu server. I figured all my NAS stuff is run through docker anyway. Cheers I’ll check out dockge

  • Sure but I rope him in because of his try hard “Yes.” Presumably he envisions it as him passing his verdict on any given situation. I see it as him (and by extension his platform) endorsing everything in the contextually relevant chain that Ackerman posted.

    Super cool that billionaires (one that bought out a huge social media network, conveniently) and politicians are colluding in public to tarnish the opponent of their choice in candidate. Lucky they’re not journalist and are spreading these reddit tier investigation/accusations through social media. Very cool and not illegal feeling at all.

    Tap for spoiler

    It is actually almost impressive. Stirring up further doubt in MSM via crippling the legitimacy of the debate which was terrible for Trump. Whilst driving more lunatics into twitter, which is more eyeballs for their propaganda and further destroys what twitter was before dickhead bought it out. Pity the execution was transparent and moronic as per.

  • If this is accurate—and I do not know that it is—it would constitute one of the gravest violations of journalist ethics in presidential debate history. If true, multiple senior people at @abc

    If indeed this turns out to be true, which is looking increasingly likely,

    Right, so all you blokes (though they can hardly be called that), Cruz, Musk and Ackerman. You’ll all be resigning when this comes out as bullshit right? Since ethics and integrity are super important right? How can your constituents or shareholders have any faith in you if you don’t? If them (ABC and Harris) doing this is such a grave violation; your all but reporting it as fact should be nearly the same level.

    Also, just super love Cruz, truly dedicated to swallowing Trumps balls to the end. If ethics are a big problem we should be hearing Cruz complaining about Trump lying 33 times during the debate.

    Oh what’s that, we don’t hear anything? Ah well, Cruz’ mouth is probably full, give Donny a minute or two.

  • Right, I’m sure they do. I just have a hard time believing the bloke who jumped in a tow truck in a tantrum and drove it into other peoples property truly thought that this was the case.

    Don’t get me wrong I see the news report from five years ago of it happening but old mate realistically probably didn’t think the guy he told repeatedly to get away from his car was actually stealing it. Edit:

    “Dude, put my f–king truck down now! I’m warning you,” the suspect identified as Laiosa yells at the driver.  “I’m warning you, motherf–ker! Get the f–k away from my truck!” he continues before jumping into the tow truck and barreling down the street with his truck attached.

    Definitely a guy that thinks he’s being robbed and not pissed that he’s being towed guys, totally.

  • You picked up the bitchiness of my post but not the entire subtext. My point is when using the same quote we’re able came to quite different conclusions. One assuming the IT guy did know but merely likened it to “magic” in order to not explain it to a lay person, for whatever reason. Another assuming they don’t know a key concept and are therefore a complete failure.

    And yes, I can say someone who works in IT who doesn’t know what DNS is, is a failure.

    Like even a trainee? A student? A failure in what way. It just feels like a weird put down. Presumably everyone has to learn it at some point as they begin their IT career. So the idea that they’re a failure until then and that DNS is the bar, is a peculiar world lens in my view.

    Sorry if it hurts their feelings but maybe they’re not yet familiar with a concept called qualifications, credentials, experience, expertise, knowledge, skills… you know, silly old fashioned stuff like that.

    Feelings aren’t really the point, the unnecessary extremes like labelling people “complete failures” is closer to it. You can give objective and concise criticism, which is more than capable of “hurting feelings” by the way, and not seem to be intentionally abrasive in doing so. Like the second quote you can surely see especially after the ellipsis, it’s condescending right? Unless you believe we live in an age of zero qualifications, credentials or knowledge. If so, you understand that apologising for hurting feelings prior is clearly performative and how that is perceived.

    Also, I’m disappointed to inform you but all of that “old fashion” stuff is very much still the case. Hell weren’t there articles on lemmy about older generations agreeing that younger generation face an absolutely ridiculous job market? The “must have 5 years experience in a 2 year old language” memes? I don’t think it’s an age issue, generational maybe. I’m not middle age but I’m definitely not that young either. It unfortunate how often inter-generational shit flinging occurs.

  • Your quote to me sounds like someone who’s making a joke out a subject they don’t want to have to explain to a lay person.

    Interesting you went to branding them complete failures over it though. Right before comparing IT workers to fucking doctors lmao.

    Jesus. In my day you had to be an expert and know your shit. I guess nowadays it’s just free for all?

    Truth is society as a whole started coasting about a decade after you joined the work force. We figured, fuck it Andy’ll take care of it.

  • I mean, whatever, dress up days when I used to work retail were a bit of fun that broke up the monotony for the lifers. I hated it then as well but at least it was optional.

    Having an employee dress up day/event and then making staff pay for it if they opt in is gross and dumb.

    You got into a marketing arrangement with Disney, that both of you profit from, you fucking pay for it. Greedy mfers honestly expect staff to fund their cross promotion with a $155bn company.

  • Lemmy just allows random bot that are 7 days old to start auto posting on political post as a self declared fact checker?? I’m probably missing a community announcement but what’s to stop me writing a “fact checker” and loading it up with my biases on particular outlets.

    Got it the mod rammed it through despite the announcement thread being full of pushback about MBFC. Good stuff.

    Bonus galaxy brained mod reply to pushback:

    Overwhelmingly negative? Those are the 24/7 negative users. We do anything: Those guys: THIS IS IS A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY So you stand alone in that statement. See the post vote score.