• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • The global IPv6 address is usually not directly reachable from the internet for incoming traffic. There’s still the router with a firewall which blocks all incoming connections, so having an IP for each device doesn’t make a difference for security.
    With IPv6 ports still have to be forwarded on consumer routers by default, the main difference is that it doesn’t have to be translated to a different IP.

    This also means I can have multiple hosts on my home network listening on the same ports, because their public IP’s are different.

  • On Fedora you could do flatpak list --app to look whether Steam is installed as a flatpak. If not it’s installed through dnf, but that can be tested by running dnf list installed | grep -i steam. You could also open Fedora Software and I believe in the top right is a button to select where a package should come from. There’d be the option to choose between flatpak or rpm. Another way to test is to open a terminal and type in steam. If Steam opens, it’s a rpm, if the command is not available, it’s a flatpak (you’d need to use flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam, iirc).

    Packaging software is usually not that difficult, especially if it’s already packaged in another packaging format. E.g. .deb and .rpm put the same files in similar places, the difference is mainly how It’s specified where a file goes. Because Snap and flatpak are providing a sandbox, complex software like Steam can behaves unexpectedly (fixed a few years ago for flatpak).


    You’re right, it’s not worth the effort. Both rpm and flatpak should work flawlessly. If multiple games actually have issues running trying out a different package might help, but I didn’t have issues for many years, so you probably won’t either.

  • Never used Plex, but if being open source is a feature Jellyfin is better than Plex.

    Not requiring an external authentication server is the biggest drawback of Plex. I don’t want Plex to have my watch history and info about my media library.

    With Findroid supporting the intro skip plugin I’m fine since I don’t need many platforms.