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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023

  • How is it insecure? Schnorr signatures and the txID system literally make it quantum resistant. Even if you cracked a transaction’s key, you’d only have access to already spent funds. Like a receipt instead of a debit card, with no certainty who has the money until they spend it.

    Oh, and in terms of computational waste, the fiat backed inflation based currency system we have now, has incentivized a world of endless growth which isn’t sustainable. Switching to an asset with finite supply like Bitcoin would remove those incentives. There’s other costs to using deflationary assets, but if you actually value the environment, switching to Bitcoin would economically inventivize a world where people are encouraged to save more instead of spend more

  • This is an emotionally charged post, yet everyone you disagree with is secretly trying to influence everyone else? How the fuck are you going to compare people who like a type of software to literal Nazis? Anyone who relies on emotional arguments like that is clearly not a rationalist.

    How do you achieve communism without authoritarianism? This sub says they like decentralization, but if you decentralize based on computers, how do you stop adversaries from performing a Sybil attack? How do we establish command and control for a decentralized network, without letting authoritarians seize that command and control? How do you establish a decentralized identity system, without also establishing a decentralized system for data management and governance?

    Now, should a Blockchain be that? Maybe not, I’m not trying sell whatever to you. I get being annoyed by all the advertisers, but to go an extra step to say that the principles of cypherpunk is something to compare to Nazis, is just proof you care more about emotional arguments and setting narrative.

  • I’m pretty one sided on this topic, and I’m sorry if my first comment was hyperbolic as well as one-sided. That said, Is what you’re saying:

    If Israel starves Palestinians in a ghetto they can’t escape, that qualifies as Hitler shit

    If so, then I have to ask if the process of Palestinians being forced into ghettos they can’t escape, in their own lands, qualifies as Hitler shit?

    I truly think Israel has always been this cruel. The only thing that’s changed is it’s a lot harder to hide something from the Internet.

    Also, not like 80 years of colonialism is that different from 100, but the colonies that eventually formed into the nation of Israel were called “British Palestine”. When Israel was formed in 1948, this was well after the UN had operated under the imperative that “[the recently discovered] Nukes are dangerous, but the new world order isn’t evil because we can use this power to preserve countries’ borders”

    Also, I’m not saying anything nice about the Eastern block. I hold the opinion western intervention was okay in scenarios like Vietnam, because before capitalist imperialists and even communist imperialists, there were Japanese imperialists destabilizing that region

  • I can’t say much about this paper, but I like Sabine. She can be like judge Judy sometimes but I’d rather hear a hot take than a tepid one.

    Friends of mine have complained how she’s strayed away from physics videos towards more general science. She can also be a little condescending towards string theorists’ research interests

    Other people might get uncomfortable when it comes down to her videos on free will.

    For this paper however, it seems Climate targets in recent years have been under estimating global warming and have to accelerate their models each year. She seems worried this opens up the possibility of 4-6C of warming.