redistribution of stolen wealth
How are they going to get the stolen wealth back from US and Europe?
redistribution of stolen wealth
How are they going to get the stolen wealth back from US and Europe?
No, it doesn’t. First, changing constitution would be impossible. Two, even if you did all this it would just make right wing states get even more extreme (there’s nothing in the plan that would let central government protect human and constitutional rights in red states).
Unfortunately US political system wasn’t designed in a way that let’s it change with time. To introduce big reforms like this it would pretty much have to collapse and be rebuild from scratch. Realistic way to make things better is simply organizing locally to inform/educate people about progressive/socialist policies, electing moderate/progressive politicians to take over Democratic party and simply creating a political force that can actually oppose Republicans instead of trying to comprise all the time.
No so long ago it was generally accepted that Republicans will always be a minority party. They managed to take over the government though smart PR, well organized (dis)information campaigns and long term, bottom-up work to take over institutions. Now Democrats have to do the same.
In Spain we do cured goat/sheep cheese and some cured ham/salchichon. Put that between fresh, home made bread and your golden.
Or you can make your sandwich at home and wrap it in some food grade wrapping material (like aluminum foil).
Life hack: you take some bread, put some ham and cheese on top of it, put another slice of bread on top and boom! you’ve got food! If you’re feeling fancy you add tomato, lettuce, hard boiled egg, tuna or anything else.
Brexit was the perfect example of how this works: one direct policy change, clear predictions from experts what will happen, clear statements from EU, clear success/failure criteria (better trade deals, stronger economy). 7 years later if couldn’t be clearer how complete failure it was but the party that did it is still going strong. Their excuse? The idea was right but the execution was flawed. Also it’s still better then what the other party would have done.
It will be the same in Argentina. Whatever will happen they will simply claim they did the right thing, it’s their opponents sabotaging their work that responsible for the failure, it would be even worse had they not done it, they are the only ones that can fix it. People expecting that everyone will just agree that what they did was stupid are delusional. It never happens.
War in Ukraine showed it’s complicated. They may have equipment but how it’s serviced? How competent the command is? From what I know Poland doesn’t have any navy (as in they don’t have any modern unit) but Ukraine also doesn’t have it and is still controlling the Black Sea. They do have Patriots and F-16 so way better than what Ukraine had and Russia never really got air superiority in Ukraine. I would expect them to have good enough artillery and ammo stockpiles to stop any ground troops, same as Ukraine did. My guess is that if they are properly prepared the would easily defend themselves.
Or that he’s governing anything.
Yeah, let’s see… So far Ukraine was able to take down planes deep into Russia’s territory, bomb Moscow, sink flagship of the Russian Navy, disable the most protected bridge in the country and bomb HQ of Black Sea fleet. All that with spare European weapons and toys. You really think that Europe would need US help to fight Russia? This war has proven that Russian army is in terrible state. Their weapons are shit and commanders are incompetent. They are struggling with a army 1/5th their size. Russia is once again back to their WWI strategy of sacrificing thousands after thousands of soldiers. At this point one has to be delusional to think Russia could fight Europe.
The glacier would move the stones if it would have been built before ice age. The big stones were most probably left there by the glacier and the wall was built after it receded.
It should have been clear 7 years ago that Europe can’t rely on US any more. Hoping US will become a rational partner again and dragging their feet on real action is probably equal part inertia and corruption. Hopefully they will wake up sooner than they did with Russia and energy independence.
Be the police that stops a robbery or rape. Don’t be the police that plants evidence to justify illegal raid, then murders the drag dealer to steal his money while selling guns to gangsters specializing in killing kids.
Still better than flying next to a baby.
The entire Ireland is in the EU already. Northern Ireland can access the single market without checks. The checks are between Ireland and GB.
They already won. They defended their independence and still form a buffer zone between Russia and NATO. You have to be delusional to believe that Russia is still able to take Kiev. Worst case (for Ukraine) Russia will take over the territories they held before the invasion started. It’s still a disaster for Russia and a huge win for Ukraine.
No to mention it exposed them to the world as a paper tiger it is and weakened their international position immensely. Who is afraid now of an army not even able to hold the Black see? It will soon start collapsing internally.
Never. Because it’s not. And we haven’t been.
While this is great, someone who doesnt mind paying a 100k for a car wont mind the extra fees.
Not just that, it removes the… let’s call it ‘shame factor’. Some people that would feel bad about driving big, polluting cars in the city now will feel perfectly justified: they are paying extra for the privilege. This will not reduce the number of cars and likely will increase it. It’s simply a bad policy. As you said, number of parking spots for big cars should be reduced each year putting greater and greater pressure on the owners to get rid of them.
You know that the art is based on Holy Week in Andalucia?
People keep writing like Argentinians really believed Milei is going to fix the country. Most people were simply desperate and voted for him protest. If you still think they are stupid for protesting like this that’s fine. Let’s just be clear about what they did.