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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I am not sure I even knew there was a mod log. Tried to find it in my app–didn’t see it, but maybe I just missed it. I wanted to see which comment I made that was making fun of someone’s body, because that -doesn’t- sound like something I’d do unless they’d made an equally annoying remarks first. But it’s good to hear the mod log exists at all.

    The usual work flow is that I’ll comment on something people don’t agree with, and multiple (2-5) people will jump on my comment with pointless insults and dumb counter-arguments, and there’s no way I am going to handle more than one person at a time with kids gloves. I’m not even projecting controversial opinions imo (unless they hate cars lawl). I’m usually already on the same side as everyone else, and they just disagree with my interpretation when the whole point of the conversation was to suggest that there might be alternative strategies, instead of doing the same thing they have been doing that hasn’t been successful since the dawn of time (or whatever)


    I’m mostly annoyed by the vegan thing I mentioned originally–I’m not vegan, but I do like animals and it’s annoying to see them use the dumbest strategies in the world. They almost make me want to eat more animals just to spite them for being so out of touch.

  • Lemmy might not be the future. The mods are just as oversensitive and overzealous as the Reddit mods. I was banned from the Vegan forum for telling them that they are never going to convince meat eaters to stop eating meat based on animal rights issues, because nobody cared about animal rights like they do. Sorry, but its true. I have also had an entire comment chain deleted from an Unpopular Opinion thread–I don’t even care to go back and check what it was all about, but I can guarantee it was because I wasn’t conforming to popular opinion.

    And this is happening to a person that is generally in tune with everything people are saying here–I can’t imagine the valuable insights that we may be losing to moderator action that I never even get to see.

  • Yeah, for sure. I used to think they just both sucked, and maybe they still do, but there’s no excuse for the level to which Israel has gone. And now I question whether Palestine was acting in some sort of “self defense” all along.

    I think back to other revolutions and such, and although they aren’t 1-1 comparisons, I wonder… I bet the people of England thought the Americans were absolute terrorists during the revolutionary war.

    Anyways. Not an expert… just been trying to make sense of the happenings.

  • I’m from Oklahoma, and although it is an unfortunate place socially and politically, it’s pretty decent geographically and geologically. It is very flat around most of the state which is kind of boring, but it has some pretty great landscapes when you go looking for them. The biomes range from pine forest and rolling hills in the southeast, to prairie flatland/grasslands across the center of the state, to almost desert highlands in the northwest.

    There are “mountains”, but they’re so old that they’ve been eroded basically flat, down to their granite cores–one of the contributing factors to Oklahoma’ flatness, no doubt (not to mention it used to be under the sea, which is where our petroleum comes from). There are a few mesas and butes to the northwest, which stand out among the desert high plains, composed largely of red clay dirt and vibrant, sparkling gypsum/selenite/quartz cap rock.

    Check out the “Glass Mountains”. The thick layer of mineral deposit atop the these mesa structures would have been deposited during a great epoch of evaporation, increasing the concentration of minerals in the inland sea so greatly that they had no choice but to fall oit of solution–pretty wild.

    There’s also some sand dunes, but the ones in Colorado are way cooler.


  • I’ve been active. Any time I share an opinion that isn’t in-step with the crowd, I get bombarded by people defending the status quo, insulting me, and telling me that I’m wrong because “just look at the downvotes” which is a hilarious metric.

    I got banned from the Vegan community for suggesting that meat was deeply ingrained in our behavior from a cultural perspective, and simply messaging to other people that animals were alive and conscious wasn’t going to cut it if they wanted to reduce meat consumption.

    I also tried to convince people that rubbing BLM/anti-“all lives matter” rhetoric in conservatives faces wasn’t going to convince them to support our movements, and the whole thing devolved into everyone throwing insults out, and not one person could ever explain why I was wrong.

    Maybe becoming active on Lemmy isn’t a great thing lmao