Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit and then some time on

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • That sort of thing can be handled by the framework outside of the AI’s literal context window. I did some tinkering with some automated story-writing stuff a while back, just to get some experience with LLM APIs, and even working with an AI that had only a few thousand tokens’ context I was able to get some pretty decent large-scale story structure. The key is to have the AI work in the same way that some human authors do; have them first generate an outline for the story, write up some character biographies, do revisions of those things, and only once a bunch of that stuff is done should it start writing actual prose.

  • As others have mentioned, it’s possible but very complicated. Decompilers produce code that isn’t very readable for humans.

    I am indeed awaiting the big news headlines that will for some reason catch everyone by surprise when a LLM comes along that’s trained to “translate” machine code into a nice easily-comprehensible high-level programming language. It’s going to be a really big development, even though it doesn’t make programs legally “open source” it’ll make it all source available.

  • There’s currently a hurricane incoming from the Gulf of Mexico, it’ll be interesting to compare the damage it causes to the damage that would have been caused by a regular rocket launch.

    Ultimately, these rocket operations need to be done somewhere. Due to their nature that “somewhere” has a lot of restrictions on it. It needs to be as far south as practical (to benefit from Earth’s rotation), it needs to be somewhere far from human habitation for safety and sonic reasons, and the path to the west needs to be clear of stuff that could be damaged by falling debris. For political reasons it needs to be in the United States. All these competing criteria generally mean it’s going to have to be on a southern coastline where there’s currently wilderness.

  • Again, it’s fundamentally the same thing. You’re just using different tools to perform the same action.

    I remember back in the day when software patents were the big boogeyman of the Internet that everyone hated, and the phrase “…with a computer” was treated with great derision. People were taking out huge numbers of patents that were basically the same as things people had been doing since time immemorial but by adding the magical “…with a computer” suffix on it they were treating it like some completely new innovation.

    Suddenly we’re on the other side of that?

    Anyway, even if you do throw that distinction in you still end up outlawing huge swathes of things that we’ve depended on for years. Search engines as the most obvious example.