Its insane how much the equipment has changed. They don’t even have records on the turntables anymore. While it still takes some level of skill to produce electronic music now a days, this is a whole other level.
Its insane how much the equipment has changed. They don’t even have records on the turntables anymore. While it still takes some level of skill to produce electronic music now a days, this is a whole other level.
I want this bumper sticker!
The show world can get super competitive. If you end up with a prize animal, you can bring home a good amount of money from auction.
Not to mention, for some, its very personal due to the time invested. These kids can put sometimes up to a year, if not more, into raising an animal for a show. They feed them special and care for them in very serious ways, to make them look perfect for a show. It’s like beauty pagent moms, but with kid brains.
One time, we all got hauled out to someone’s farm, for ag class, to watch pigs get castrated. A student was handling all the procedures until they got to the the likely prize show pig another student owned. The teachers husband took over and preformed the procedure. That likely prize pig, and only that pig, died that day. Rumor had it, that he purposefully botched the procedure so his own kid could win.
Im just sitting here wondering why this is making the rounds, except for this girl got caught. This is the par for the course and happens more often than one would think.
Well, most of the federal government doesn’t seem too concerned, so i guess that’s understandable.
Not at all, if anything, it’s escalating. Hide your kids, hide your wife!
Today government officals from New Jersey held a press conference(somehow only fox news seems to have the video), local sheriff’s departments are taking matters into their own hands, and sightings have expanded to include other states, and military bases, including a us military base in germany, and other sensitive areas.
Not guilty by way of self defense?
You do have a point. At this juncture, I think, anything is possible. Really, non of it ads up. Half is fake and the other half is mystery. There is definitely still a large leap from his actions to this ideaology.
What happens if he turns out to be a neoreactionary?
Native Americans and Hawaiians aren’t immigrants.
Right as the look a like contest was being held.
I can post the link to the book
I fear that instead of an era of reform, the response to this act of violence and to the widespread rage it has ushered into view will be limited to another round of retreat by the wealthiest.
I wonder if the general public will face collective retaliation. If the rich feel secure, they’re going to want to put people in thier place.
Hospital called us outta the blue to try this. We weren’t gonna pay some random caller over the phone that much money. Asked the lady if there was a different way to get a hold of her through the hospital system. She gave me her number, refused to give her name. Were like, how are we supposed to confirm you’re with the hospital if we just directly call you back, on whatever number you provide us. After another minute of arguing and frustration about this, the lady finally gave in and gave us the name of the hospital department. Tried calling it back through the hospital system, nobody ever answered, so they never got a prepayment. We asked the OB and later hospital staff if this was standard practice, just to make sure it wasn’t a scam. We never got a straight answer from either party.
And considering there’s so many new accounts, its not like one can go back and check the post history to see if what they’re saying adds up.
There were accounts, posting seemingly “up to date” information with no way to really fact check. There were some political “personal” accounts just testing the waters with BS. Stuff like: “It’s me. I’m not going to say anything else yet, but, here I am.” It made it kinda hard to discern.
She’s running away from something that happened in Russia, sees how close the US government has gotten with Russia, freaks out, and tries to go to France, where she, for some reason feels like she’ll be safe. I’m not sure it’s that strange. She’s apparently scared for her life.
Phantasm 2 was a childhood favorite.
Check out what they’re doing with the university of austin. (Edit: This is a link to an article written by a conservative for conservatives. This is to show the ideology they’re working toward. This is not a reality based analysis of whats actually happening. ) This is probably the model they’ll start to adopt. Will it work out, is another question.