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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • You can track the health status of most smart enabled ssds. Can use a tool like crystal disk info

    Personally i have 2 7 year old ssds going strong without issue. Mainly used for storage and games, so the r/w rates been pretty lower on them.

    Ssds do have a total maximum write cycles to nand. Really depends on the use cases over the 5 years.

  • I agree its a load of garbage. But that wasn’t the point of my statement vs. the directly quoted protion of the article i was referencing and reaponding to. The article list those issues as defaco issues, which they are solveable as i stated and was pointing out. Which occur in other OSs. Not to the extent of the garbage of windows 11.

    Nothing i stated is untrue. You took the meaning and spun the context of my statement and spun it into me defending microsoft and windows11. Which i never did once.

  • They ask about both diagnostic and telemetry options. Ubuntu 22.04. Default GUI prompts this during account fist login. Rocky 8 with default GUI asks this on initial user account login. Those are just the two i used over this past weekend.

    At no point did i say it was the 20 questions that windows tosses at you. I purley stated it still happens.

    So you can suck my dick with your shitty attitude trying to discredit me and my statement by misinterpretation and spinning what i said into your own dog shit interpretation.

  • (Mostly) mandatory Microsoft account sign-in.

    • yea you can just create a local account lol.

    Setup screen asking you about data collection and telemetry settings.

    • so just like some current Linux GUIs and installs that also ask this. Same with MacOS

    A (skippable) screen asking you to “customize your experience.”

    • just press skip like any other OS that asks.

    A prompt to pair your phone with your PC.

    • also skipable, and isnt even asked on a local account setup.

    IDK man win11 is pretty simple to “debloat” and most of the shit in this article that they complain about is common on multiple Linux, Apple, android, etc. setup/install processes.

    Win11 is dogshit for a variety of reasons, like the shitty new start menu formatting/lay out. The god awful menu nesting. The laggy audio panel. The list goes on.

    If we’re gonna be nitpicking an OS. Atleast nitpick shit that actually impacts operation and isnt also common on many OS’

  • Lol want a picture of my electronics system engineering degree?

    Want my CV that includes 7 years working for an electric motor engineering and automation company/firm and 6 years experience with professional electronics repair?

    Need a reference to my last employer, who i setup/managed to be the first authorised Apple repair partner in province?

    Although outdated would you like my previous certifications from Samsung, HTC, and LG for electronics repair?

    I’ll provide my engineering credentials as soon as you do as well. Seeing thats your major claim here little man.

    Keep sighing and shilling for a multi-billion dollar compnay that employs top level engineers and designers, who rather cut cost in manufactoring to skirt laws and consumer ease of repairability?

    And just to add, i think all manufacturers should have easily swapable batteries in their mobile devices.

    Fuck outta here with your bullshit assumptions.

  • I remember an apology being issued about it iirc.

    Personally, I’m fine with mtx if it supports continual development of a game i paid for and enjoyed prior to them being added. As long as the actual meaningful game additions are free or 1-time transactions.

    What i don’t like is constant FOMO based p2w mechanics that are a requirement to play in any meaningful way, like most mobile time walled games. I also don’t like when corpos make decisions like adding DRM to an always online game, that is known to impact users, just points to a devs inability or a monetary kick back of said 3rd party drm to the devs shareholders.

    Shitty situation overall however :(