
  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • None of your neighbors work at goodwill, but how many of them rely on it?

    That’s the point. You can’t see two feet past the disabled argument & so you’ve taken to disparaging jobs that non disabled people benefit & rely on. Aka, YOUR NEIGHBORS.

    Once again, I’ll refer you to your local goodwill for an adult conversation. Go talk to someone who has just reentered the workforce & tell them the job they rely on should disappear because you don’t like it.

    Go on, actually interact with these people if you’re so certain they don’t need the help those jobs offer.

    You don’t care about the reality behind those jobs, you only care about how good it makes you feel to prattle on about corporate ills on the internet, rather than truly get involved.

    Like I said, take care Richard.

  • It was until someone got report happy. So I’ll repeat my comment in a more civil manner:

    Do I detest Goodwill as a corporation? Absolutely.

    Do I think disabled people deserve better pay? Absolutely.

    Do I think you’ve acknowledged that your local goodwill supports your neighbors? Nope.

    Do I think you’ve acknowledged your local Goodwill maybe the only community support organization helping your queer neighbors & non Christian neighbors? Nope.

    Do I think you’ve tried to boil an incredibly complex socio-economic support organization into a rage bait headline? Absolutely.

    Do I think you’re unable to actually comprehend how complex your neighborhood truly is & what good that local Goodwill might be willing to bring to the table? Absolutely.

    Do I think you’ll reply with a miseducated reconstitution of my words to support your narrative? You betcha!

  • Because not all jobs are the same. People have different needs, different types of jobs offer options.

    Stay at home partner, working from home, with multiple kids & schedules might enjoy an hourly wage position or a performance based position to account for at home needs.

    Same may be true for someone reentering the workforce after incarceration… building usb cables at home, while studying for a certification, worked extremely well for a family member. Made a little money on the side AND had time to study.

    Personally, I work from home writing technical manuals. I get paid hourly, rather than by document, because that’s my preference. I use my left over paid time learning this company’s platform so I can take on a bigger role.

    That said, my coworkers are all performance based employees. They get paid based on the metric of production rather than time. Same job, same company, same department… different priorities.


    You work 2 hours @ $15, you get $30

    You build two widgets @ $15, you get $30

    The only difference here is for the first job you’ve agreed to a payment of $15/hour regardless of how many widgets you make & for the second job you’ve agreed to a payment of $15/widget regardless of how long it takes.

    Job A: you can dick around for 6 hours & still make $90

    Job B: if you can make 6 widgets in 15 minutes, you’ve just made $90 & you get to keep your extra 5.75 hours.

    This isn’t complicated. Nobody’s forcing these people to hit a quota, they work at their own pace & are paid accordingly.

    I’m guessing you just want to fight over something right now, so you’re intentionally being obtuse. This really is a simple concept that comes down to the workers preference.

  • What if what if what if…

    Did you ever think maybe they took the job because it suited their needs & they didn’t want to have to fuck with a 9-5?

    Did you ever think maybe the jobs are low paying because they really aren’t that important & serve more purpose as structure than income?

    Your argument is that the job is bad because the terms are bad, but no one is twisting anyone’s arm to take the jobs.

    The jobs get taken because there are people that want that type of flexibility.

    Yes they want more money, we all want more money, but you don’t get to shit on their employment opportunities because they have different priorities than you do.

  • Nobody’s saying don’t pay them more money. You’re just refusing to acknowledge that this is not an hourly based job, it is a performance based job.

    If you take a performance based job, & you either underperform or don’t perform, you aren’t getting paid.

    If you want more money for your performance, you negotiate a rate based on each performance, not how long each performance takes.

    If you go under contract, you’ve agreed to the terms of that contract. These people agreed to this contract you’re so perplexed by.

    You have the privilege of going to work each day & getting paid an agreed upon amount based on the time you spend doing your job.

    These folks have the privilege of potentially spending less time on the job, while getting paid the same, depending on how fast they perform.

    There are privileges on both sides.

  • That’s also not true at all. There are plenty of employment options that don’t revolve around hourly compensation at all, they are ENTIRELY performance based.

    This happens to be one of those jobs.

    If you & I are bothered offered a job to make X amount of widgets in Y amount of time, don’t want to be paid for the hour or per widget?

    You have control over your pay if you’re paid per widget. You have no control when paid per hour.

    Should we both be paid $15 for that hour if I only make 3 widgets & you make 20?

    Minimum wage only extends to hourly based employment. It does not extend to contract or performance based employment.

  • During downtime, were you not expected to clean, restock, & prep for the next rush? If not, then your store was run by a dunce, and that would also constitute as your privilege.

    If you knowingly sat on your ass, taking pay, while your coworkers did those jobs… that makes you a dick, but a privileged dick nonetheless.

    You are claiming that “downtime” is unpaid time at work, but you know you were likely supposed to be working on something.

    An unspoken agreement with management to chill out after the rush, as a reward for working the rush in the first place… yep, you guessed it! That’s a privilege.

    Those people took those jobs because the pay structure & work requirements suit their needs. Get off your soapbox & leave ‘em be.