wHaT bUsInEsS hAvE yOu StArTeD
Avatar is official art of Garl from Sea of Stars by Sabotage Studios.
wHaT bUsInEsS hAvE yOu StArTeD
I wish I could completely filter fortnite out of my life.
Thank fuck
Whiny man baby angry that he can’t break his toys
Wonderful argument. In case you’re gonna say “I’m a capitalist” no. You’re capital.
Thank you for sharing a source. I should have done that.
Yeah, they don’t teach a lot of things in school. I only know about it because of BtB. The whole episode on The Battle of Blair Mountain is nuts and shows how far the owner class will go to keep people in line.
That reminds me. Anyone here ever hear about the bureaucratized rape in West Virginia coal mining camps back in the day? If a man was injured and couldn’t work his wife could take “Esau scrip” which she would have to pay back with her body. Capitalism! The entire situation is a stark reminder that capitalists wil LITERALLY rape and murder you to protect their position.
I’ve never had it but based on the raw beef I feel like tartare is one of those foods that’s never just okay. It’d just be either terrible or great with little inbetween.
Yeah, I feel like any kind of poll that comes out of Russia right now is kinda meaningless.
It is a ridiculous imitation of a theocratic fascist society.
I think you might be taking this internet thing a little too seriously. We all have misunderstandings about stuff but it’s not good to stubbornly insist that you know what you’re talking about despite clearly never having actually looked in to the material. That’s the extent of my tearing in. But you are right in that I should do better about actually saying things of substance instead of trying to be snide all the time.
That’s an absurdly surface level examination.
40k is, in part, parody to make fun of fascists. That’s why it’s so absurdly over the top. The fact that fascists like it says more about them than the setting.
Awwww, did you have to see a brown person and it hurt your feelings? Poor thing. So very fragile.
You ever see someone so attractive you’re a little upset? That’s how I feel about most of the food posted here. Looks fantastic!
Dangit, now how am I gonna get my piscine superpowers/fish shaped tumors?
Beautiful! Can’t wait until he’s destitute and in jail.
Jfc people will pump out an article about anything if it’ll get clicks.
This is not how I want to read an article.