• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I wonder if this is just a Hail Mary to try to stop the fear that the merger will make Microsoft the most dominant face in streaming.

    Even if it’s agreed upon, it just means in two generations once internet speeds reach where they need to be for streaming to be feasible, Microsoft will get those rights back. Streaming means next to nothing today, but the fear is in a couple generations, that’s going to be the future of gaming, especially seeing how much publishers want to stop gamers from owning anything.

  • I don’t have a problem with this. My office made this rule too, basically you chose hybrid, in person, or full remote. I went full remote. I don’t have a desk at the office, but I’m not required to come in. When I go in there’s hoteling offices, meaning I get an office to work, and theoretically if I went in for a week, I can leave my stuff there, but after that week, I take my stuff and go home.

    4 days every two month is WAY too low to maintain an office for a person. Heck even 2 days a week is borderline. Companies want to reduce their floorplans, and that’s reasonable if they allow full remote, as long as full remote means full remote. (not required to come in)

  • I mean yeah. It doesn’t have to even be “Linux” but a smaller required core library, instead of every application getting forced onto a user computer. I’ve a theory that over 90 percent of a computer’s hardware is only required because of coding standards that could be improved. (Small more efficient code versus get it shippable and move on)

    I’m a little impressed Linux hasn’t had the massive bloat that most of the programming industry has taken on. “Let’s pull in every library, take up more space and never optimize code”. Linux seems to have avoided that, and that’s a good sign. I don’t even think it’s a OSS thing, because many OSS software slowly bloat up when people keep adding features to them. Linux has avoided that so kudos to them.

  • Don’t know the rules (They probably keep changing) but you can see it here in incognito mode.

    Even if that was the case, I’d make an alt account no one knows about to be able to look at his tweets if I cared enough. The point I was making it is it’s dumb to “Block what people can see” when they can get around it with a couple button clicks.

    (And to be clear because I’m getting downvoting, I’m not saying blocking is bad, but the implementation is pretty dumb, and at least removing the “You can’t see this message because he blocked you” should be removed.)