That’s not how domains work.
That’s not how domains work.
How is it unlikely? Libraries are the shit and we were taught how to use them in public school. We also have a significantly lower stigma about using public services unlike the shit ass generations before us
You’re right, yelling at someone is super vile behavior. It should definitely be punished. I assume you also believe that freely expressing options about politics, or religion is also super vile and should be punished.
The west has its own issues, and the way people interact with each other is one of them, but the UAE is not in a position to pass judgement. The forced civility between civilians while the government carries out mass executions by beheading of dissidents is a thin vail over the same vile behavior you are decrying in your comments.
I’ve read all of your comments in this thread, you are 1000% shilling for UAE
Love how much OP is shilling for UAE. I doubt OP would be so okay with the jail sentence if it were them who had to serve it.
I think you’re greatly underestimating how many non large corporations just host their shit in US-East 1.