• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • The hilarious thing about the crackpot index is that almost ALL of it applies to credible physicists.

    Physics is in a really dirty place right now, where fundamental “truths” are exploding before our eyes and the “religion” of established physics has become inertial to real growth.

    We still have people who will not accept that deep at it’s core, SR is broken and QM has torn off the mask of illusion. We have new JWST data that shows the Big Bang probably never happened and the universe isn’t expanding the way it has been previously thought.

    Physics is in a sad place right now with people talking about multiverses and other abhorrent mystical nonsense. Oh, we can’t currently probe at sufficiently low resolution / high energy… that means it must be magic /s

  • Physics prevents this from being cooked anything other than inconsistently.

    As the fins rise and spread out, the amount of moisture that can dissipate can be plotted on a curve with the bottom of the potato always representing the least amount of moisture dissipation, and the outer part at the top always having the most.

    And it gets more complicated because as the potato curves on each axis it becomes thinner on the edges so there’s a gradient in moisture dissipation there too.

    In a practical sense this means that every X, Y, Z point on this potato is cooked different. Some points will be perfect but by definition it means other points will not and cannot be perfect. And other points must be awful.

    There is a fundamental flaw in this design, which changing the temperature or cooking duration cannot solve.

  • I would never make this again.

    I mean, I could tell based on my understanding of physics and cooking that it was not going to turn out as one would hope.

    But I plowed through and made it anyways. In the end, every single concern I had about this preparation rang true.

    I knew going in that it couldn’t possibly cook consistently because the bottom would be a solid mass and the top would be split apart with varying gaps.

    I knew that convection would not carry the moisture away from the bottom of the fins but it would desiccate the tops properly. I felt that the tops 1/3 would have crispy delicious skins but the base would have tough leather. I was right.

    I knew that both ends would be rock hard and inedible but it had to be that way in order for the thicker parts to absorb enough heat.

    I knew that applying an oil to the top was a very delicate game because it would just saturate into a grease pool if it dripped/pooled to the lower part.

    I feel like this is a misbegotten recipe. A big series of fanciful ideas that are visually impressive but do not deliver in the taste department. Seems like it’s from a time before cooking science was well understood.