I write Linux guides, act and sing!
And do tech stuff.
And am weak.
And am a stereotypical nerd in almost every way.
B-but I don’t play an instrument, so it TOTALLY doesn’t count!
Getting Erzatz Elevator vibes from this
Automachef is the most unique factory game I’ve ever played. You make factories to handle food orders, try to reuse as many parts as possible to save cost, figure out how to handle massive rush hour mobs without burning too much power or dropping orders, and so on.
Down the line, this game has its own coding language for controlling machines and handling orders. It’s got a puzzle campaign, and a whole contracts mode, all around a good time. You can make VERY tight factories, especially with late game tech.
I had the solution to the main game spoiled for me YEARS ago. I have the game sitting on an external hard drive, just waiting for my brain to forget.
I bought SoD a while ago, and while I dont regret it, its gotten worse and worse. I use a laptop for everything, gaming included. The game has gone from running at a steadyish 30 fps (which is totally fine and usable, I don’t understand high fps people) to being an unstable mess that maaaaaybe hits 20 fps if I stand still.
Even ignoring the gameplay issues, this game needs WORK.
Consummate Vs!
Anyone know if this is real? I can’t find any info, but it sounds really cool
What Remains of Edith Finch was the first game to make me cry. I think I played it when I was around 12, and it just kinda broke me for a few days, particularly Walter’s story. Just an entire game of people trying and failing to escape their fate. The narration is pitch perfect. Edith sounds so real, and so tired.
As much as the US government sucks in this department, Turing was a UK citizen suffering under UK law, not US.
Lumping Philly into the Jersey area is how you start wars.