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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Haskell

    import Data.Monoid
    import Control.Arrow
    data Tree v = Tree (Tree v) v (Tree v)
    -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3208258
    memo1 f = index nats
        nats = go 0 1
        go i s = Tree (go (i + s) s') (f i) (go (i + s') s')
            s' = 2 * s
        index (Tree l v r) i
            | i < 0 = f i
            | i == 0 = v
            | otherwise = case (i - 1) `divMod` 2 of
                (i', 0) -> index l i'
                (i', 1) -> index r i'
    memo2 f = memo1 (memo1 . f)
    blink = memo2 blink'
        blink' c n
            | c == 0 = 1
            | n == 0 = blink c' 1
            | even digits = blink c' l <> blink c' r
            | otherwise = blink c' $ n * 2024
            digits = succ . floor . logBase 10 . fromIntegral $ n
            (l, r) = n `divMod` (10 ^ (digits `div` 2))
            c' = pred c
    doBlinks n = getSum . mconcat . fmap (blink n)
    part1 = doBlinks 25
    part2 = doBlinks 75
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . fmap read . words

  • Haskell

    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad.Reader
    import Data.Array.Unboxed
    import Data.List
    type Pos = (Int, Int)
    type Board = UArray Pos Char
    type Prob = Reader Board
    parse :: String -> Board
    parse s = listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) $ concat l
        l = lines s
        n = length l
        m = length $ head l
    origins :: Prob [Pos]
    origins =
        ask >>= \board ->
            return $ fmap fst . filter ((== '0') . snd) $ assocs board
    moves :: Pos -> Prob [Pos]
    moves pos =
        ask >>= \board ->
            let curr = board ! pos
             in return . filter ((== succ curr) . (board !)) . filter (inRange (bounds board)) $ fmap (.+. pos) deltas
        deltas = [(1, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)]
        (ax, ay) .+. (bx, by) = (ax + bx, ay + by)
    solve :: [Pos] -> Prob [Pos]
    solve p = do
        board <- ask
        nxt <- concat <$> mapM moves p
        let (nines, rest) = partition ((== '9') . (board !)) nxt
        fmap (++ nines) $ if null rest then return [] else solve rest
    scoreTrail = fmap (length . nub) . solve . pure
    scoreTrail' = fmap length . solve . pure
    part1 = sum . runReader (origins >>= mapM scoreTrail)
    part2 = sum . runReader (origins >>= mapM scoreTrail')
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . parse

  • Haskell

    Quite messy

    {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
    module Main where
    import Control.Applicative
    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad
    import Control.Monad.ST
    import Control.Monad.Trans
    import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
    import Data.Array.ST
    import Data.Array.Unboxed
    import Data.Char
    import Data.List
    import Data.Maybe
    parse = zip ids . fmap digitToInt . takeWhile (/= '\n')
    ids = intersperse Nothing $ Just <$> [0 ..]
    expand :: [(a, Int)] -> [a]
    expand = foldMap (uncurry $ flip replicate)
    process l = runSTArray $ do
        arr <- newListArray (1, length l) l
        getBounds arr >>= uncurry (go arr)
        go arr iL iR = do
            (iL', iR') <- advance arr (iL, iR)
            if iL' < iR'
                then swap arr iL' iR' *> go arr iL' iR'
                else return arr
    swap arr i j = do
        a <- readArray arr i
        readArray arr j >>= writeArray arr i
        writeArray arr j a
    advance arr (h, t) = (,) <$> advanceHead arr h <*> advanceTail arr t
        advanceHead arr i =
            readArray arr i >>= \case
                Nothing -> return i
                _ -> advanceHead arr (succ i)
        advanceTail arr i =
            readArray arr i >>= \case
                Nothing -> advanceTail arr (pred i)
                _ -> return i
    checksum = sum . zipWith (*) [0 ..]
    process2 l = runSTArray $ do
        let idxs = scanl' (+) 1 $ snd <$> l
            iR = last idxs
        arr <- newArray (1, iR) Nothing
        forM_ (zip idxs l) $ \(i, v) -> writeArray arr i (Just v)
        runMaybeT $ go arr iR
        return arr
        go :: MArr s -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) ()
        go arr iR = do
            (i, sz) <- findVal arr iR
            (findGap arr sz 1 >>= move arr i) <|> return ()
            go arr $ pred i
    type MArr s = STArray s Int (Maybe (Maybe Int, Int))
    findGap :: MArr s -> Int -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) Int
    findGap arr n i = do
        mx <- lift $ snd <$> getBounds arr
        guard $ i <= mx
        ( do
                Just (Nothing, v) <- lift (readArray arr i)
                guard $ v >= n
                hoistMaybe $ Just i
            <|> findGap arr n (succ i)
    findVal :: MArr s -> Int -> MaybeT (ST s) (Int, Int)
    findVal arr i = do
        guard $ i >= 1
        lift (readArray arr i) >>= \case
            Just (Just _, sz) -> hoistMaybe $ Just (i, sz)
            _ -> findVal arr $ pred i
    move arr iVal iGap = do
        guard $ iGap < iVal
        Just (Nothing, gap) <- lift $ readArray arr iGap
        v@(Just (Just _, sz)) <- lift $ readArray arr iVal
        lift . writeArray arr iVal $ Just (Nothing, sz)
        lift $ writeArray arr iGap v
        when (gap > sz) . lift . writeArray arr (iGap + sz) $ Just (Nothing, gap - sz)
    part1 = checksum . catMaybes . elems . process . expand
    part2 = checksum . fmap (fromMaybe 0) . expand . catMaybes . elems . process2
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . parse

  • Haskell

    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad
    import Data.List
    import Data.Map qualified as M
    type Pos = [Int]
    parse :: String -> (Pos, [(Char, Pos)])
    parse s = ([n, m], [(c, [i, j]) | i <- [0 .. n], j <- [0 .. m], c <- [l !! i !! j], c /= '.'])
        l = lines s
        n = pred $ length $ head l
        m = pred $ length l
    buildMap :: [(Char, Pos)] -> M.Map Char [Pos]
    buildMap = M.fromListWith (++) . fmap (second pure)
    allPairs :: [Pos] -> [(Pos, Pos)]
    allPairs l = [(x, y) | (x : xs) <- tails l, y <- xs]
    add = zipWith (+)
    sub = zipWith (-)
    antinodes :: Pos -> Pos -> [Pos]
    antinodes a b = [a `sub` ab, b `add` ab]
        ab = b `sub` a
    inBounds [x', y'] [x, y] = x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x <= x' && y <= y'
    antinodes' :: Pos -> Pos -> Pos -> [Pos]
    antinodes' l a b = al ++ bl
        ab = b `sub` a
        al = takeWhile (inBounds l) $ iterate (`sub` ab) a
        bl = takeWhile (inBounds l) $ iterate (`add` ab) b
    part1 l = length . nub . filter (inBounds l) . concat . M.elems . fmap (allPairs >=> uncurry antinodes)
    part2 l = length . nub . concat . M.elems . fmap (allPairs >=> uncurry (antinodes' l))
    main = getContents >>= print . (uncurry part1 &&& uncurry part2) . second buildMap . parse

  • Haskell

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Char
    import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
    numP = read <$> munch1 isDigit
    parse = endBy ((,) <$> (numP <* string ": ") <*> sepBy numP (char ' ')) (char '\n')
    valid n [m] = m == n
    valid n (x : xs) = n > 0 && valid (n - x) xs || (n `mod` x) == 0 && valid (n `div` x) xs
    part1 = sum . fmap fst . filter (uncurry valid . second reverse)
    concatNum r = (+r) . (* 10 ^ digits r)
            digits = succ . floor . logBase 10 . fromIntegral
    allPossible [n] = [n]
    allPossible (x:xs) = ((x+) <$> rest) ++ ((x*) <$> rest) ++ (concatNum x <$> rest)
            rest = allPossible xs
    part2 = sum . fmap fst . filter (uncurry elem . second (allPossible . reverse))
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . fst . last . readP_to_S parse

  • Haskell

    I should probably have used sortBy instead of this ad-hoc selection sort.

    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad
    import Data.Char
    import Data.List qualified as L
    import Data.Map
    import Data.Set
    import Data.Set qualified as S
    import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
    parse = (,) <$> (fromListWith S.union <$> parseOrder) <*> (eol *> parseUpdate)
    parseOrder = endBy (flip (,) <$> (S.singleton <$> parseInt <* char '|') <*> parseInt) eol
    parseUpdate = endBy (sepBy parseInt (char ',')) eol
    parseInt = read <$> munch1 isDigit
    eol = char '\n'
    verify :: Map Int (Set Int) -> [Int] -> Bool
    verify m = and . (zipWith fn <*> scanl (flip S.insert) S.empty)
        fn a = flip S.isSubsetOf (findWithDefault S.empty a m)
    getMiddle = ap (!!) ((`div` 2) . length)
    part1 m = sum . fmap getMiddle
    getOrigin :: Map Int (Set Int) -> Set Int -> Int
    getOrigin m l = head $ L.filter (S.disjoint l . preds) (S.toList l)
        preds = flip (findWithDefault S.empty) m
    order :: Map Int (Set Int) -> Set Int -> [Int]
    order m s
      | S.null s = []
      | otherwise = h : order m (S.delete h s)
          h = getOrigin m s
    part2 m = sum . fmap (getMiddle . order m . S.fromList)
    main = getContents >>= print . uncurry runParts . fst . last . readP_to_S parse
    runParts m = L.partition (verify m) >>> (part1 m *** part2 m)

  • Haskell

    import Control.Arrow
    import Data.Array.Unboxed
    import Data.List
    type Pos = (Int, Int)
    type Board = Array Pos Char
    data Dir = N | NE | E | SE | S | SW | W | NW
    target = "XMAS"
    parse s = listArray ((1, 1), (n, m)) [l !! i !! j | i <- [0 .. n - 1], j <- [0 .. m - 1]]
        l = lines s
        (n, m) = (length $ head l, length l)
    move N = first pred
    move S = first succ
    move E = second pred
    move W = second succ
    move NW = move N . move W
    move SW = move S . move W
    move NE = move N . move E
    move SE = move S . move E
    check :: Board -> Pos -> Int -> Dir -> Bool
    check b p i d =
        i >= length target
            || ( inRange (bounds b) p
                    && (b ! p) == (target !! i)
                    && check b (move d p) (succ i) d
    checkAllDirs :: Board -> Pos -> Int
    checkAllDirs b p = length . filter (check b p 0) $ [N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW]
    check2 :: Board -> Pos -> Bool
    check2 b p =
        all (inRange (bounds b)) moves && ((b ! p) == 'A') && ("SSMM" `elem` rotations)
        rotations = rots $ (b !) <$> moves
        moves = flip move p <$> [NE, SE, SW, NW]
        rots xs = init $ zipWith (++) (tails xs) (inits xs)
    part1 b = sum $ checkAllDirs b <$> indices b
    part2 b = length . filter (check2 b) $ indices b
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . parse

  • Haskell

    module Main where
    import Control.Arrow hiding ((+++))
    import Data.Char
    import Data.Functor
    import Data.Maybe
    import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP hiding (get)
    import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP qualified as P
    data Op = Mul Int Int | Do | Dont deriving (Show)
    parser1 :: ReadP [(Int, Int)]
    parser1 = catMaybes <$> many ((Just <$> mul) <++ (P.get $> Nothing))
    parser2 :: ReadP [Op]
    parser2 = catMaybes <$> many ((Just <$> operation) <++ (P.get $> Nothing))
    mul :: ReadP (Int, Int)
    mul = (,) <$> (string "mul(" *> (read <$> munch1 isDigit <* char ',')) <*> (read <$> munch1 isDigit <* char ')')
    operation :: ReadP Op
    operation = (string "do()" $> Do) +++ (string "don't()" $> Dont) +++ (uncurry Mul <$> mul)
    foldOp :: (Bool, Int) -> Op -> (Bool, Int)
    foldOp (_, n) Do = (True, n)
    foldOp (_, n) Dont = (False, n)
    foldOp (True, n) (Mul a b) = (True, n + a * b)
    foldOp (False, n) _ = (False, n)
    part1 = sum . fmap (uncurry (*)) . fst . last . readP_to_S parser1
    part2 = snd . foldl foldOp (True, 0) . fst . last . readP_to_S parser2
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2)

  • Haskell

    Had some fun with arrows.

    import Control.Arrow
    import Control.Monad
    main = getContents >>= print . (part1 &&& part2) . fmap (fmap read . words) . lines
    part1 = length . filter isSafe
    part2 = length . filter (any isSafe . removeOne)
    isSafe = ap (zipWith (-)) tail >>> (all (between 1 3) &&& all (between (-3) (-1))) >>> uncurry (||)
      between a b = (a <=) &&& (<= b) >>> uncurry (&&)
    removeOne [] = []
    removeOne (x : xs) = xs : fmap (x :) (removeOne xs)