She/Her, Also

Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.

She is all of us, yet I’m not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.

So what will be my ending?

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • From one Australian woman to another, she should have used that energy and tried acting instead.

    Everybody plays a character of the person they want to present to the world on social media, so there needs to be more awareness that even if you can see their faces and hear their voices, you still can’t blindly trust people to be who they claimed to be online, and you should always exercise a healthy dose of skepticism on what you read or watched.

    Trust me, after all, why would Academy Award nominated character actress Margot Robbie ever lie to you?

  • I respectfully disagree. On our LW Android comm, the discussion quality is generally pretty good, except when a post get on the front page, then the quality just drops like a rock.

    Smaller (but not too small) crowd usually lead to higher quality discussions, that’s true on reddit(default subreddits are pretty much all terrible) , and that’s true here as well. (the turning point for quality decline reddit is at about 20K subscribers). So, I don’t think the "instance protectionism lead to lower discussion quality is true at all.)

    Also, I think the mod tools here is basic but perfectly adequate. You can check our community’s mod log to see how much post removal/bans we actually had to do, and it’s not a lot. Also not to brag, but I think our weekly discussions are some of the best threads on Lemmy right now.

    It’s not hard, I just tell our comm’s users that I expect them to act like adults, and most of them act like adults, and we just remove the post of the few who refuses to do so (they are like in the single digits over the last months) and our admins usually handle the trolls that requires site wide bans in literal minutes here.

    I don’t use bots to mod and still do not see the need for it, because it turns out that if you cultivate a good culture in your community, moderation is pretty easy. That’s just my experience here though.