The CTO at my last job was pulling down millions a year despite barely knowing anything about anything, and being little more than a glorified bully. He got there via project management, after all.
I never understood the beef with FlyingSquid. Every time I heard this hue and cry about how he was abusing his powers, I asked for details, and it turned out the details were that he sent one rude message to one user, months ago, or that he liked to argue with people. Whatever. If he’s now in a bad place I hope he gets some help. Life is fragile.
Exactly this.
SciShow did a piece (partially) about this recently:
And Veritasium did a deeper dive a while back:
The whole situation is thoroughly fucked up, but hey, as long as people are making money amirite? 😑
Nipple tassels.
a salad is feminine while steak is masculine?
When has a 90s cartoon ever been wrong?
That was my thought as well.