Cryptography nerd

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023


  • If they believe congress shouldn’t have the authority to delegate authority so broad then the way fix isn’t to eliminate the delegation but to require that congress reviews the regulatory agencies to see if they’re acting as according to their intent (yes there’s risk of abuse for this too, like endless micromanaging, etc, this is just to defuse the constitutionality argument)

    Just read a bunch of audit results and discuss relevant court cases involving the varies agencies in front of congress and let them rubberstamp it

  • The problem here is that we don’t have real AI.

    We have fancier generative machine learning, and despite the claims it does not in fact generalize that well from most inputs and a lot of recurring samples end up actually embedded in the model and can thus be replicated (there’s papers on this such as sample recovery attacks and more).

    They heavily embedd genre tropes and replicate existing bias and patterns much too strongly to truly claim nothing is being copied, the copying is more of a remix situation than accidental recreation.

    Elements of the originals is there, and many features can often be attributed to the original authors (especially since the models often learn to mimic the style of individual authors, which means it embedds information about features of copyrighted works from individual authors and how to replicate them)

    While it’s not a 1:1 replication in most instances, it frequently gets close enough that a human doing it would be sued.

    This photographer lost in court for recreating the features of another work too closely