This requires the legs to be all the same height and the floor to cause the wobble. That doesn’t happen often irl, but I’ve done it a few times and it always makes me happy when it works
This requires the legs to be all the same height and the floor to cause the wobble. That doesn’t happen often irl, but I’ve done it a few times and it always makes me happy when it works
I, for one, am a fan of speech around a table! It’s intriguing but low stress!
Looks like they are using a Prio based protocol. If they are using Prio2+, I think this article is likely overblown. EDIT: I mixed up my sources - Mozilla tested Prio for telemetry collection. They are using a system called IPA for ads, and I don’t know whether there are formal guarantees for this system
Does Firefox explain what measures they’ve taken to protect their aggregation servers? If so, this is a perfectly fine and practical method for privacy preservation
Lou Malnati’s crust was so yeasty and unpleasant, and super skimpy on cheese when I had it. Extremely not worth the hype.
This is entirely correct actually. Number of items on day n = (13 - n)*n