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  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I am sure America is probably responsible for some of that turmoil so why we not discussing that and fixing our mess

    Because America can do no wrong on its foreign policy. We are purely a force for good, opinions to the contrary merely Communist propaganda. Thus, whatever the cause is, it’s not America’s problem or responsibility to fix.

    Except, obviously, not really.

    Just why are we allowing this to cause us to almost on the brink of a civil war.

    Ooof…it’s not just this lol. Right-wing political elites strongly believe in personal freedom and states’ rights. Right-wing regular folks believe strong in personal freedom. For them, American personal freedom manifests as a proliferation of guns and ammo, flags on lawns, and everybody believing in the country as the city upon a hill. More importantly, it certainly does not manifest as self-reflection, following the teachings of Jesus Christ, nor running into reality at any point. Americans are right, moral, and their actions just because they’re American. That’s just the way it is for them.

    So, the border crisis is an issue they feel strongly about and they’re being denied the resources to handle in the way they see fit. Personal freedom and states’ rights are being trounced all because liberal president wants to…what…claim to protect children from drowning while letting criminals (and there are so many criminals according to them with no evidence) in to ravage the country?

    This is a deep problem.

    In my opinion, they’re Boomer selfishness taken to its logical conclusion in a society. It’s fine if a few people are exceedingly selfish and want everything for themselves. It’s a problem when tens of millions want it all, too.

  • Israeli forces had not only the fire power, but also an official order to kill Israelis at Nova.

    A major reason Hamas launched the Al-Aqsa Flood operation was to take Israeli captives that could be exchanged for the thousands of Palestinians held captive in Israeli prisons. But Israeli forces were determined to prevent Hamas from taking captives back to Gaza, even if this meant killing the captured civilians.

    An investigation of Israel’s long-controversial Hannibal Directive concludes that “from the point of view of the army, a dead soldier is better than a captive soldier who himself suffers and forces the state to release thousands of captives in order to obtain his release.”

    Yeah okay. I was wrong. Hexbear people were right. Fuck the Israeli government.

    I’m not sure how many more things in this world I can hate with everything I have